Show awn TO THE ilav of the state of auak luak of the condition of the price commercial and savings hank dank located at price in tho the county of carbon state of utah at the close ot of buxin un on tho the 21 ath th da of I 1 lebruno 1916 itil loana loans and dismounts dim dis Lounts 63 Oser overdrafts draft 1770 41 hanking houe hou e duo due from state bunks and bankers 16 au i 79 exchanges nc hangee for cl clear lne 2797 14 gold coin coll 00 silver C oln coin 3 3 66 currena Cur 11 00 it of stock etc county barrants Marron tu fig 20 total capital block paid in S 00 surplus fund 12 soo 00 Und undivided hided profit sk Inter interest pst hn etc 1 12 11 due to n atton il anke banks 1 6 deposits 82 saili Sa ilna gs depman 29 Corti certified fled chaks 20 0 cashier Ca ehlers s checks 44 demand of deposit time ut of deposit 1 88 89 mount amount met aside for tt ac etc 3 00 total 98 state of utah county count of carbon wl carl II 11 1 War marcusen cusen twing being lul dul huorn according to law ian and anti that he Is cashier of tho the above aboe name named d bank ehlt the abao and foregoing report conta contain inn a full true and correct statement of the con condition diton of the said bank at the close of p business on the day of february reb Feb 1915 19 IS CAUL II 11 MARCUSEN correct attest lea V nixon carloa loa gunderson Ou carl cart it DIrect orA subscribed and knorn to t etora me this ad la da of march 1915 0 K M seal notary public my WY day oc ot december 11 state ot utah office of hank corn com mission r 1 I C A glazier bank of the state of utah dt d dereb erity thit the foregoing to 1 a full true and correct copy of the 00 statement tat ement of the above named company filed in iry my office this wit ath day jay of march 1936 0 A elaste OL AStE idank 16 |