Show WHAT DO YOU MEAN MATCHED some sonic stray news item states that thirty six out of I 1 bers in the nebraska legislature are farmers and that t there here are lire only four lawyers in tho the list and ana that these are matched by an tin equal number of oc new shaper men this must be explained we never yet knew a newspaper paper man who could match a lawyer and save his carfare car faro out of it iti colliers 4 i those who arc are continually looking for gra gratitude are very seldom dc deserving orving of it the legislature may decide not to let us have any inore whisky but we ne have bave made ample brov provision igdon for an abundance of water someone suggests that when hen ou come out of or the little end of the horn simply appropriate tile horn and blow it forevermore with the te failure of the wootton bill a great load has hag been lifted from the shoulders rhoul ders of the utah druggists who were A that the success of the measure would force them into the liquor traffic congratulations price progressives aighes are feeling decidedly sore und others very cry much disappointed over the of the road appropriation for the price myton thoroughfare their dispositions are not tempered to any great detent by the fact that the was nas al allowed for the helper duchenne route and another anither from helper to the halfway ay house |