Show revivalists AND revivalist ty the salt lake mention the opening of revival meetings by tuo prominent Metho methodic dIRt ministers and sp ilk of attendances lances of five hundred revivalists nowadays now a days arc are invariably compared with billy sund sunday ty whom elbert hubbard characterizes as the theological asia minor and Dat dancing icing dervish of our times abbat ever sunday may muy pr vr may not be he draw draus a the crowds at pittsburg audiences of eighteen thousand have listened to him the following is a fair sample of one of his prayers now lord weve got a delegation of doctors down here tonight I 1 wish try to do something for them lord they dont get much chance to go to church because some old stiff comes around arnand sunday morning with a sore toe or a touch of the pip and keeps them away gee lord lard but im tired I 1 and then theres a lot of lawyers down here oh jesus theres a bunch that needs our help I 1 and there arc are aien from the railroads and the lace factory and and theres that delegation from wait a minute lord where are they bom 0 peacock oh yes from pittston the hose company from pittston Pit and and the coal miners and the men inen and oh ob lord I 1 never shook with so many horny handed banded men in ill my life as there arc are here now you know what they all need lord and youre ready to gi give e cm ern the best there is come along now Rode beaver lets have a song |