Show TIl 4 W 1 ILL DK BF dl IDID INTO FINE leasure 4 ill clinort li nort not nua tint ua t support of ruth anit and id Is by suja K y US Ct goala maus consolidation of school into one county district is the new ris ri s tern which utah will adopt if gor gocr nor liar spra sign 1 house 0 o bi the committee on which pawed tie vie num nata late ha afternoon no on the cd bill 14 L one ot of the mort important mea arem of the wislon the moeden tonI dat school autra one dietr ft wan man started nta r ted fume time tso igo tho plan la Is gal gaining in ing tutor favor throughout the country dr E 0 state aup of bubli in Is one ono of 0 the mott ardent advocat 3 at of the plan ie as a neasure for and si linol ir while attending he the national convention of 0 rl hool in I 1 vin in dinati re becenti centi dr fir govani jirld to Preel dent W mont farr ot of sen au a t and all d speaker 1 I it andean of the houi hoult informing thun thlin that 11 P claxton claiton cla united state states elonar of education and other prominent educators in attendant it tt th comen uon tion palte highl in tavor of 0 the con on roli clation plan 1111 dl DI tribute thi bill aich hat ha t no now ben passed by both houses and ulrich the up approval proal of the governor for the th division of the count into tiu five districts the districts to I 1 e designated by the county comorah joners in de ct aber 1916 at a gons akmal tal w hool elet tion a Is 1 to he be lecter to the county school bourd board from each of theve c ia districts in ach tach count thin after chool g ew eminent is to ix lb conducted Ld d by this count counts board instead of b lo 10 bo irda in ach tach district in count of or faits ts of s hool g ale ate clial ted by b tho the plan and tin thi i entire burden of operation opp rallon and maln main denance 1 14 placid upon the county an a whole in do ad of upon mailer sm siller dia dis I 1 at IN ih flit onn one of thi tho think thing t be cd od b tho the conoll consolidation dation plin plan it has ha been pointed out steral 1 timed tinted durin during tho the se selon slon 1 14 4 the t elimination limi nation of de tie in school districh i where here the population in 1 so finall a 4 to he be unable to properly prop crl maintain the bhoola kach each legi Mature for t averal eara ears past ha hat bean lall call d 1 upon to apar mone for the th pa pini mt tnt nt oc of in districts di v hr the fund berc ere in at th the present legislature appropriated 15 for that under the conwei I 1 atod plan where the entire count ij for the rapport of ita school no such con dlugon will ill arl araw c educator r t |