Show EYES OF THE WHOLE EARTH ARE LORING exposition AT bolden t at A AL t it 1 z meru al ir viz an ti 11 1 L A am ire aa A PART OF THE MAIN EXHIBIT SECTION OF fhe GREAT PANAMA PACIFIC international exposition logins lon lo n abe avenue of the tan tall tower at ot exhibit lalakea mt talen fraai the dome of 0 U ill at the panama international the T w shown shows the western purt of the main group of balaco e of horticulture the other t hown froni left to krisht are on jereb ew IL tn in the center which ia Is feet dish conceals the abdou adou i golden gate entrance to the bay of ban son I 1 laoc leco iho domosi structure with ct at mount the left Tamal la Is ue the pal and ahe halle of at marin warin cooney yin in tha the baal 1 in fronton front of the these ia is shown the bay of pan san francisco thoy of or rau cation arts and transportation beyond reb 20 1913 of the exposition of uru aro the great south gardens the photograph photis raph was t iken early in december 1914 more than two tivo month before the opening |