Show NO TILl TO alixi 1 II 11 state neer a office halt lake city utah february 10 1115 1015 ny tico lice IP t hereby given that U D it 11 wc donali and fred I 1 watrous Wa whose those five address Is price utah have made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled laws of utah 1907 an amended by the Seri glon law a of utah 1909 and 1911 to ite tte five hundred acre feet of C water nater from wilow i creek wasatch county utah said io water will be stored from january I 1 to It cember 31 inclusive ot of cach year in a reservoir embraced in the southeast quarter ot of bertion 27 twp 11 south range 10 east pall fall lae bale base and meridian from it will bie 1 released at a point which lies feet north and 5 feet west of the south abbt corner of bertion 31 34 twp 11 houta range 10 last and con convened veed by meane means of a ditch for a dirt dictson son of feet and there used from april I 1 I 1 to september 30 incle ilive of each year to irrigate 3 S aiji acres of ian embraced in 1 2 J and 3 two 12 houth south range 10 east 1 s alt ait la 1 e baste base and meridian thi A application Is designated in tho the rotate tate y office na as no j all prot cate tats baguinat the granting Krant lne of aid said application stating the reasons mi st be made by affidavit ii in duplicate accompanied by a fee of 12 1260 50 and tiled tied in his office within thirty 30 dayi days ater the completion of the publication of thie this notice W 0 D IRS state engineer date of first publication 19 1915 date of completion of pub puts ll alaun aUn march 2 23 1 1916 1215 |