Show S N un CE 11 1 1 nil ISIL giltis Tl blit 1 fit VIT IT r at I tir T 7 andrew cn utah pioneer celebrated tali berated his hi eightieth birthday aneeda A tan tam III b reunion formed part of the thet arr abi and after an afternoon of sonai sp and telling the madeen 0 wilcey waa as formed the following fol follow loing 1 w arc re elected officers ar aident C AV anderaon An derron lc ic pr cl A C madan sir A C Al adren jrsn urca N 11 NI the foregoing officers cerp with alth an thon tadry n slon NN anderaon And An dermon creon airn neil M 34 madven tad ven aln hilda ililda mad en end and mr amma N An anderkin Ander derwin toa form the board of or gruete tru ete object ot tho the organization is to collect data befitting beit ting 1 on th history of the madien and An And andiron derron cron families and to keep clorde tt ct the famille for all future time dirner ax rem ed aft after lr th organization and in the eve ning a dance waa held in the opera hoube bargl au acrond attended attend wd and mr mid M aten en warmly cong ratu on aln oung old ag thy the grand much muri h was led by mr air me andren d r n and ahli hi daughter hilda lo iol 10 lel ine the march mr madeen madsen made a brief tp eh of chome C N 1 lund und d rc rr towing lewing thu tho ork nork of or mr madron from the iloncia ilon cir da to the preterit timo time at 1 the clot lot of the d ilinca ace air mu ma I 1 pan an d aith lah a gold watch on behalf of u his and |