Show BOID adf IN wool III OF MOM 1101 is 1 VI T atul 1 a it b u n Pec lurtA that eastern a rust rubt ie Is orklie ork lii tu to urine maul 4 killing rumors it anding I 1 inn irin bor high 17 io march 13 c cording to a local wool expert the so ailed wool truet trust of end ill iao ehla ie Is playing the bold bame in the history of am american wool ool ing and wool ool marketing and anti no one can an duct the outcome the taken stakes are at more than if it the men or wool wo buyers as a taci arc are called can itani stampede ped the grower into last year a prices the hig big eastern combi catlon which hail has tor for years mint the wool market markets of ahls country will ill make the biggest killing since wool growing waa as introduced in america a century ngo ago a ot of buist last near 1 aar home sonic idea of the of the being played may be gained from the following figures the no so called western wool hitoi ti toi comprising AV oming colorado kan nan aas mas Ne nebraska bruska south dakota ta kota montana idaho oregon nevada Q ut utah th california arizona new texas and anti oklahoma last cur produced an tonnage tit bf wool amounting to pounds uhl it old vold for the pre prevailing alling price of wool was be aven IS 15 and 16 cents these u L me states in 1915 will pro duco due approximately a hundred and eighty million pounds s of wool and it the grower stand pat in their demanda tor for SO 0 conta cents per pound for their product then the eastern man ufa c jurers and commission men must put up approximately 70 to move the big clip either the growers or middlemen will ill r lao a cold no so mat matt which aln 1 it Is 1 doubtful if clothing cl othin or goods will be any cheaper to the consumer f for r ahr manufacturer will ill have hae to pa ao so minh min uh h for his wool ool and will havo haio to sell 1 alq goods at a figure that mill ill enable him to mako malo it profit the grocers grot tera aro are veil posted and realize that alth ith no chime of wool col ahting imported ort ld and with order orders for clo clothing prom from abroad increasing 11 at a tro trifun man doua IOUs rate there will be a sharp demand and for hia his pro dutt dut ond and he is not going tu to bo be in lit a hurry about selling the middlemen see a cance to make a if they can only fool the tile grois groewa gr oera err for the thel know now tho the shortage of wool mill tonti continue nue through to nn ane ot other her ear nt sit least and the manlutac ither bu iu the domestic clip or bantel i am el ordera orders for clothing and anti d wa ev bood 4 and clo 1 awn their trillis to t mi P aluk prominent sa a these t ilk frum from astern t banker tankers and wool buyer buyers are lj aa ing 1 made to influx nee the gro groihs irs in the hope that some kill dispose nt of their clipp 11 at nominal prices and ali rt t the birket and it I 1 it known thit wit the comm WIon men would uld liko ilko to cause a it hatak in the nelld lineup of thi growers and anti thus the stands it t in 1 11 to tr 10 I 1 e one ol 01 the biggest garnet gamet for a ni onster prize ever eer pla plaid ad in the history of the commercial alto of tha ali cot country Itry it 11 tho the commie comm llon ion mini troll can stampede thil th grow Liz the eat pull erners male million millions within p f fe months whilo on the tho other hand 1 if f the gro groaners fr owera Ners can bo im hll together it means they will artap the biggest harvest from their 1916 wool clip L the outcome depends deperi upon the nervo of the tho grower 4 and just no nott tho the average appears to bo be all tor for the tanks lanks are showing honing a disposition to a on bourage thi producers in thila dmund for high ml 1011 I 1 oil tar H 1 1112 1 dl dlvgi 11 ll if it jettie ono one ol 01 the old tinn wool buy buyer rs of thie this state wh uhn represents I 1 kernann Il of U isue Us s ton ia hoo jutt just clocea up borne contract contracts for 55 pound i if of wool he lie contracted with the murra sheep company for its lip of pounds at 13 centa cents with hearn for 35 23 pound at 2 23 cent cents with black tor for 20 pounds at 21 cent and 1 11 curtis for 60 pound pounds at 2 2 6 cent cents the iturra sheep compan COMPE tn the and george illaci lip row from the he locks flocks I 1 in thie his otate state and as the lower price tha do 10 not grade ne as high aa as the northern wool 1 that raised in wyoming montana and parts of idaho ket et thoo clips are of r good erade grade and anti the prices are among the highers P paid aid for several bears P ta U curti q lip la to from a LL hoice holce lot tot in lit unil ond ng and N 1 as grud good a grade aa li produced in the revl the of 23 S cent cents a poi pot nd 14 vm good an an th thit tt has been paid no so lar far of at ran can lie be learned thun 1 far during the present se ason it isi Is a fact that from front 26 to sat t centa cents Is reported to be the prices for the bettor better gracci of wom and foni arizona tho the report 19 coming that an a much as 28 and 29 2 rente vents a pound has ben b en paid for the wool ool thai that Is being sheared clips at opportune time IN awhile hile nothing official ham been ob bained on the report from arizona utah ilah buyers explain that tho the clip if Is co coming in ing in early at a time when it ie ld needed and that it 1 a light olt clean oltan an clip arizona pro product durtA a about pounds of wol mool and nevadas yield la Is placed nt at about AP pounds gundl utah and vic stated farther north ha have 0 much larger shearing I 1 lut ut the first that comes in n from frow rant la Is along 1 about to april let utah it beld la Is placed at 10 to 1 1 pounds idaho at 20 amoling at and ma at 10 some of the tic K i a fe fea caf amr ago had a but tah flacks are much mailer smaller than forine flir when the ranges i larger t are offering good prices for or the wool thy bonfe ts that th are not in a better position to judat what the market do than tho the sheep men who read the new of the da ant and draw their onn conclusions that there 1 Is 14 4 a food good demand for wool mool ll 11 apparent to intone who hiis wool ool to imal but when ou tills vill about tor tot price prices for thing but the heat best trade the eLthe buier antshel all in lit a n the shearing sh parin in parts ot of idaho will begin 1 april lt it I 1 ut in other rec tiong i and in 15 and montana thera hlll ill ho be no until after the lambing season seaon lato buol w doc doel not r start tart to the birket until june and jul and it la Is onia tin ti n mool that will be read for market soon that can take advantage adan tage ol 01 th thi present market I 1 lor or chiq reanon reason none of the bocra to iw milling to pay up to 3 3 3 i c i its ts tile th that Is belm being ackel by some of the northern sheep men for tho th late i lipe Sheep men and mool 1 bulah are in a hsia ha lyan van advised that it la Is largel 11 a e market and the then admit that ir a meastor nic me asur astir this la Is true to a decre the like thi thu of the mar ft t and aro are milling to take some chonce bu rm r nie are milling 1111 that their regular customers should get the beat best for tile N want ant to do business busl nesa with them ne next net t ear and other ari cam as long ion ae an wool Is grown rown but they arc are held back by the I 1 astern firnin whom horn the ent and some large 1 clips ho hae not been contracted fur for as a re alt of this condition |