Show hosny osny mil tt litin llata lla tn allock us lm 20 WO 14 W morning of laft uck tho the principal 4 I 1 lock loek of duchesne thi count awat i f tho the new county ann alti out b flamer entailing a I 1 los of apprill adoll glubt by the ire fire were the iloner compin th Du ducharne Dueh cherne peno lumber jame james acler Jit 4 ler and th opo liw office ahl which ch contain contal nM 1600 worth of law books the carried insurance rame to tho lamount of six alx lx thousand dollar and the umber lumber company campany five thousand II 11 af M alope all of tho build ines 1 burned and he and brother l the artuck of goods tn a the aup up ply company W I 1 rn and I 1 aul et of the billings etc are the lumber company bi it IL bope the iter of the th woks 64 1 f fixtures fix turee of the law office A cement bloc ac grit 14 fc built oo 00 the ara th doubty aa rai reI fular katoa AWA |