Show ING RANCH 1011 TA two a an I 1 boneh one halt it mile miles from art arice anil and three trillen from helper I 1 aes a es of dairy land timothy wild wl is red top and alfalfa only dat ranch in carbon county milk sells el for 10 cents a quart cows coi iian run summer suman CI 13 dalry nian wanted yan ted nothing but cash rental considered the for fore going facts guaranteed address it 3 W Adso advocate cate rp ri repaired aired at jani r lt leial Ial shop if tr HIAWATHA H I 1 A hwath A COAL 0 A U rr tun IT DOES NOT OT abtam rr rt D DOBS OES xoa ideary if miry massages nor myrr mr sec see A 46 am HENRY MYER transfer co 11 ANU AND eck given oar our special 11 attention call yellow dray or illiane 1 ay we bellier armour cry lk itcek at MV a ow 1111 a L I 1 N T thie thin lour flour 1 19 me op I 1 from ti choices turkey kel hard whet kry fery ack sack guaranteed to 0 clio sat at afi lan and nj has hs ther chemical tt test oc of 41 43 per lent cent claten sale by price commission go cot phone 11 P U 1 1 11 1111 id 4 99 1 11 40 1411 aj 4 0 a PHI Is aged 8 1 1 years i do charred le oak casks lit therefore it possesses double ness its t S 7 aging agin 9 is i i s a A fa IF a no able rea n w you bould ever insist on cedar brook clur na adine ins afen the baer br bros os mer coi cos Who Jeal ier oksun falk 1 MT ul N T A H BASIN A IN I 1 L i AND A we have several farms that mutt be sold NOW here is is an opportunity to fet get one of the best farms in the basin at half its value write us at once or come to ev e UINTAH BASIN REALTY n CO ROOSEVELT UTAH the duchesne Duc husne stage and transportation co coo autos leave cotton colton and vernal daily and reach all important po points i ants on the uinta reservation E excellent cel lent accommodations along the entire route cap capital 60 surplus and undivided unda ded profits should impress if the depositors Depos bis fig the pioneer bank of carbon county through well de served merit has kept pace with the growth and program of price and carbon county every facility for handling hand list your bu sineas J THE M E FIRST NATIONAL BANK PRICE UTAH f we e buy 11 beef hides pelts furs wool and nd beeswax ROOM KENTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE phone PRICE utah 0 11 0 A J y 31 SIO MONOGRAM NO G 6 A SPECIALTY on only highest t grade of domestic and importer Im portA goods handled over our and cigar counter J M H JAMES prop props KING at HOMEY Electr iccil supplies ag we handle handlen n complete line of globes and nil all kinds of electrical E nl supplies K INS HORSLEY telephone and heuy Diron come conic I 1 tron rolls tile tle 1111 are you just at odda odds with do you res regulate 11 lhnn in 7 do L ou der what ulla ails you 7 irue rue aly eating regularly and ate e pins 14 11 t is i the matter matte rl ie 14 adlon p lion headache nervousness blons spelts indicate a g bals T the h e t lill lil 1 l r remedy e e d y I 1 ie n D pr r aluffi kl n ako 1 t 0 i ellla 1 1 1 a cm only 1 y abo 6 0 a at t 3 lour 0 u r of dru r 11 a arnica A r nica salve tor for alia mn p lion adu ce re LEWIS plumbing bing and 1 11 catill plum urn hd arid nd wert wild jobbins prompt Att antton P r 0 allez TW ln ty ano 36 1 |