Show 11 TO watell state office salt falt lake city uch bukh february uary 17 HIS 1916 notice in is hereby then that alma fulmer hoso address Is 1 or ari utah hs 1 moo OR apall 1 ion ilan in accordance with the requite pienta of tho 1 0 I utah joti am amended by the 1310 laws butah i Utah ISM and 1911 to ampro 10 said act of w water a ter an per second from price county utah baw sa id water va III be diff die e arted at a point which feure bouth eif 39 31 degree degrees 34 minutes wet west 7 feet fron n the northeast corner of or section 24 gnp 19 south nine 9 vast bat lake base nd morl dWi and oon con veed by t tris of a ditch and pl alif lines 1 for a abstance of feet an there used tru fru i january Jiin uary I 1 to t december 31 inclusive of each tn to generate power po or fur for the purl purpose sime of i 0 lighting and propelling machinery machi ry at liel helper per utah after haeng havone been t soo so o used the water will to 1 returned to too the natural channel at a point which beam bears mouth 32 degrees 42 weft 1943 feet from the south anuar tor ter corner of 24 twp 10 I 1 south range 9 pant bait balt lake base and meridian thie this applice hi IN in the state trig of ico rice ns as no all protests pro trista against the granting ut of bald suld application the must be bo mado made b bj leavit la avit in duplica tt f a fee nt of 2 60 50 and filed in fit list u within thirty 30 da daxi after tho completion bif the publication of f thia this notice W 1 0 BEE IM 4 stale tate data of first publication 26 1915 date of of or r ution cation M march arch 29 1915 |