Show A P A METHODS Order Expects to Control the Next National Election Kansas City Mo Sept 231 II Jackson ot Fort Worth To national ptesldonl of the A P A lectured lit 1urncr Hall tonight When naked today to-day about the condition of the A I A he said The Older Is growing lapldly 1 in numbeis Wo have In round num bus three and a halt million members In California we have two bundled thousand and in the older States farther far-ther gust the number of members we have Is enormous and growing dally Continuing Mr Jackson said Wo are gelling ready to surprise Mlsbouil tans t-ans Mlnsiiurl Is well organized Uut we would rather show you by our votes than tell you how big a vote we have Will tho order take pact In the next national campaign It certainly will do so and It will go Into win In October there will be a convention nl St Louis attended by nluotyal delegates two front each State and some of our odtcprs so that I n very strong commltlei will bo appointed ap-pointed It will bi the duty of that committee to lay before each present party our piliulples and explain to each out position t Tin eommltleo will present om platform Wt > will ttdtnniul recognition put each party on recnul and then deleimhi whtit WJ shall do You can rely on tlt V Ve vont ole with a patty lint condemns our piln Mliles and we wont suppoit any party that makes n n bid for the Jtomnn Catiio lln vote When they have acted we iihill act In unison Do you expect then to control thi next flection We do The party that wt vote with will win AVi lire not going In ana an-a polllleal piittv but the have pihul phs I to carry out and It Is to advance 111111 1 that Ewe shall vote We will haxe a hand In the elections In fxeiy fUule In the Union Our 11111 hod of dealing with parlle In each State will IIP much the sumac as our m lhods In city polllles Sll Henri Irving I heal to tho Pm 1 sup of Wales IH In Ih l i UK tIC demand ainonc t-IC Ia Itthlai n cf u oruei at public fllnc tlaiiM fits Dukfs of0ouk and Cambridge follow TiS akb and Irving In populurliy Tho Unk of Commuilit U I pioliahly the IX nt lull man In lngland lit lnoH how lo matiuRL u ineutlng and ulunja 81111111 without luilrt llis llzzlt M Frost of Monmonth Me rim s a grist mill Slip turns oo power uiul tiRlnlin Iho muchiiun iv bile her liua Imilll will a PDI IIW 1 llecantu of tiiiiiicss trouble Frederick O XVood btiHlncBH mnnnnpr of u Chlrnno pupa devoted l to the interest of u thy annals tin IP diowiipil lilrnsfll Mavor Butro of Nan Francisco vetoed the lax len In a long mrgBagr In width lie cold that the tax levy f lion Id not ex coed l one dollar an un aesc3isd I valuutlon of 300OUUUU which would 1 be ample to run the city on an economical bans lie argued that ultliongli the order had not been iiibmltted to him for bin approval still the law empowered him to paIlS jiuls wont upon It Will T Hole the sweet Rlnijer of Ten nessce like Frank L Stanton la a news piiiir mini lie In I Commur0lnl otlllorlnl itaftrofnthe Mcinphlu CommorclalAppcal |