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Show The Herald. I LOCAL BREVITIES. FLASHES. "w.' jex Ismxrallc Primary. esc The Democratic primary Saturday In-tet for sale. DEALERS IX evening was held in the City ball ad a Whod of the pavillion on aeciunt of the thought The Bchnol dose next week public ft.l SupD. Felt, Mgr. bud weather. There wee but a email teiubcr, too! for Conference week. number, compsritively, present, for the The sugar beet harvest commenced Manufacturers of the beet broom on the market1 The Democrat! J prhua Beading and losal notice flva cento per line same reason. Jim-hatfave each insertloit. Dicplij adverUalng rntee made at this place thl week. niv Hutchison as much a meetChisholm called Chairmen the of knew upon application. All Produce handled in Season. of Span lab Fora wot a delegation to ovation last night. ing to order and a nntlon toadjonru Subacfiption ratea, R per pear. Dr the aMr inner at Job SPANISH FORK rally a nntll better wri'h'T Wes diseased! eui. fruvo.Uum UTAH. Legal and printing at lownt living rate. A bait Like costume day night. dual's r J rted. The work ofselectln s At the to the county deleguuuB of forty-thrberu A dauji liter, to Mrs. Chas. A. Bo.rack houl today, with 1 kinds of onventiou at rsyson next 8tcrJ;iy wis RAtLROAD for clothes r. tho on Bran, Tuesday, bept. 24lb,l5fl. good tieface to- - hen proceeded 1th, and thiluLuwlug All are doing welL night. gsnllemeB chosen: W. W. Clusholmk W.- - B. Hughee, M. A1 Dufcoocka premiers have been W. 0. Crecr. 8.- - Gardner, J. W. E. Lawson, of tli The Union Pacific System. 'jsrson, D14LEH3 IN Tnlon Pacific, Uu'ehiaou, A. W Johnson, W, Creer, quarantined. Little Ruby Is Tery 111 Is busy explaining M. Mlekolson, A, B. SeovUl, A. of tbe icarlet fever. . tlie r.purators up Lewie, THI THROUGH CAB LIKE. and down tbe why he lonl Anderson ; total, 14. Born To Mr. Parley Hill, Friday. shovel tbe ano Local Time Cabs In sffeet Ang. 18, 1885 At this point s motion was mads f I off the platforni.1 uomluutlons to one from each Sept. 20, 1885, a son. Mnthei And And he doesi furnish a diagram llirson presold nntll all bad besn heard Boutk'Bound North Bound child are doing well. SHINGLES, MOULDING?, f(?. with the e: ' rom. This was lost alter considerable either. STATIONS andtirn, Lnve Arrive Born Friday. Of 28, 185, to Mm. seleeting dieeunlon, and the work Malt Lalt City T:16m T:85pm SPANISH FORK - - - - UTAH. 7:41am 4:06mt Pleaamt Bradford, n eon. All are Kandy delegatee went on and these gentlemen a butws farm to jfd I:SOiir little, Lrhl Junetloh l:tam to list: the were addrd a never :nan American Fork I:Wnr getting along nicely. w such squashes as U, A. Dr. Wai usr, N. Henson, S. Llewellyn, ., Pleasant Qrov lUun 8:lSpm r,l 1 lie W. C. T. U, will hold its first j. :Mam Provo t:IK)pni baa at his meat market. P, Neilson, J. B. Mustard, It. D. James, l:Bpm meeting on Wednesday next, at Dr. paaiah Pork :laa Moore, W. C. Harrison, G. C.Thomu, uem weigh about 86 pound J. Paraon :7pm i:nw N. Smith, T. Jones; second total, 25. Warners residence. 10:Oa l:Bpn. Nephl Jsa. Miller and Ben Hnpla As bat three ladle were present to It :16am Arrive I Tbe Ladies Republican club will )5S8S lf:45ptr lf:Mnm Leave f 11:01 be gentlemen who raised them- - attend to the selection of the eighteen 9:ZSanOmSa 1:10pm a hod in delegates to wMeh tl t Demosratie 1 idles I tlie Relief Society l:Sbam T:10pm meeting Arrive of :111am this eltv are entitled, It wm determ-uco tA::10pm Leavef Mllfbrd hall next Wednesday alternoon. eter Hsnenn says he did not wh:ck 4:00um Friaeo 40pm to add alcrht more gentlemen te the StockLoders of the Spanish Fur Will Buyaek's buggy wlnh under the 1st, which wm dons after more and Traine aoulh of Juab run dally except Sunday Influence of spirits. He was driving varied motions to adjourn had been inThrough Pullman Palace Sleeper to Chicago Westfield Irrigation company will hot and defeated. These gentlewithout change. Improved Tour at Sleeper down a the strert lu hartc, and tne troduced special meft'ng in the city hall nexfl Free reclining chair cam. Elntantday eoachea. men were follows; P other party, not appreciating tins fact, The only line operating Dining ear aervlce. Monday evening L. H. Olson, T- - 0. Creer, D. R. Evens, van anoiiTNT akd raaraw to all The did not get nut of the way. a This Is as Rees, J. W. Thomas, G. Robertson, A. tcikt CAST. family of Wm. E. Adamson, ir Mr. Hanson remembers tjit wreok Prior, J. Beekstrom: third total, 83, D. E. BURLEY, Ren, Agent Paaaenger Dept. the Hm ward, wan quarantined oi City Ticket Offlce, All Main ML, Malt Lake City. 4 The ladles thin chosen on the delegaW. B. LAWSON, Agent, Spanlah Fork, Werlnenday on account of diphtheria were: tion CALL-A- T There Is a suspicion that the grant . R. H. H. Clark. A little boy Is sick with Mesdamee Hutchison, Neil Gardner, the disease. crimiof Oltvsb W. Mink, will Ignore the chargee Emma Reeo, Harriet Tnttl. Thomu E. Ellmt Andehron, Wnlle shaking the apples out of Jury nal libel preferred against Fred 11 Davis, Mary Beekstrom, Corollas Pooe, John W. Doans, tree, Monday, Rev. Theodore Lee Mtesea Clara Jones and Enuikick K. Conduit, Smith, a former rdit.r of Thi Dr. Warner, and Kecalver 43. located his right arm. It wan Chisholm; Luey grind Jt. I. 1XM i repine as it has thrown jvcrbnard Alternates as followstotal, and Ticket Agent, f.n. i were then s Hiuald, without E. much , Nebraaka 0u. afgr Omaha, pain or trouble and t several other cares of this nature. leeied: reverend gentleman Is again attei It is well not to rat ify before the Messrs. J. R. Thomas, J. Banks. H. id Still, are all m. mg u lin duties. Tmtle, E. Hcughton, B. Creer, and M. returns Hughes; Metdames Margaret Money and The yol,ng peoples M. I. A. of D- - U. Evans, end Hies Jane Bowe. he Southern Die trim of Utah county i On motion It was decided to adjonrn Up In Utah County there Is In prog 1 - d r1 flteir conVrence In tits to Thursdoy rvenlng, at whlehtlmeto res a sort of pavfl .If1.lv, Tit tifficerg meeting will on please a la rimtiball scrap among the consider tbe queitiou of instructing the li. Uciieritl meeting at 3 be ink fiends. TheAineiican Fora Item delegationThe adjourned meeting of the Demoami a Ice! me Jn th is roasting tho Skrlngrtlle lndctH-ncratic w.ibty was ealltd to order in the evening. J ent lo a luscious browu uud t he Span pavillion by Chairman Chisholm last put. Sheriff Wilkins arre. decided to Fi.mlk ODonnell dt lull Fork Herald is astride tbs neck of svbiiiug. Onuioliou it wm Ncphi yesterd work for a to tbe Instruct delegation Pullman Sleeper and Hi.ffei b Mm to Provo. ODonr ay' the Enquirer editor. Let up, hoys ,r,tl Wm- - T. James Spanish Fork candidate for either the Cara on all Tnruugh Trains. broke into Hughes' barber During the campalgu there will be State Senate or House of Represents! lvse, g Tim Table No. 84, I effect March SI, ism. Blnp night of the 2nd of August, and 3 enough of ihdt sort of tli'ng among m circumstance might dictate. Weal Hound Capital IN folDSiLER city the for East Round about SI 0 called Nomination! being bout tho pencil pushers worth of tools. He adiij COMMIRCIAL COLLXQK MixtU I Jtiymeawi' their were Hkixetl named t'wia by lowing ng1' M. K. ! s. a his guilt O'Donnell was former l: jjnierg und yossibly friends:geuthmen Hon. Wm. Mayor Larson, Tt Adot'iut Our College ili Ij.ku 41 ' the N. Smith, J. L. Hale, W. Aiv(lClltf Mr. of 0. tl.eirteet,,2tu.:,Rjdlfl0.d Creer, employ Creer, IIngbeH. 2:10 j.m We will Rive a thoroush course of In- - ) J'i tt::Oikiu :Upm S. Bruckbauk. utructionla double ana Hlnale entry 3:40 pm The McKinley Rfoub.lcan Iluad Saesuinn Hern club held . g;Xu ,m Hon. Wm. Creer mads a sperch secondCon . ii ibau the of a SiUbam Payaou 8:SSpm meeting Alonday evening and the nomination of Mayor Lnrgoti.and solidatprl Implement Co. : Hi am i L kiln c.Upiu :& pm Eureka 1:00 pm f Suit Lake, ing u committee to an eloquent tribute to tnat gentlewill bu completed Its 40 lesson, No paid H'SOpm Mammoth 6: am IS:4Spm here passed recently a clial man's houurabls record. charge for diplomas. Address lly.iam 1:10 pm Silver City S;16am M;upm the reception of the mrangefltf Main Strict, ltpubllcan lenge f it Mrsmi. Ncplil I m and Oj motion a vote by balljt wu taken WAblJUGK.Oeu. Paa.aua Ticket Agent, speulrers. on the 8th of next mouth J. D. Mustard to come to Capital COMMEBCIAL Dodos, Gen. Mgr. p.C. 'vvll! wjth the following result: b. H. Hancock, Traffic Mgr., I kit Lake Thecomiuauelsas fol'owa: Meesri and play a few games of UTAH. City .............. SPANISH FORK, M, Larson p. o. Drawer b K K. Hunt, Agent, Mpaniah Fork. C. W. Booth. G. D. Kan. H m . Creer ...... .....-- . ............ ........ ..ID Snell. Sr.,G. 6. mine lm-.- t Harrison und hm tbe ..12 Mi . W. and Mrs. Creer 0. Jane Harrison jlale, Jarvh and Miss hostelry Duo ni! 7 ffnson N. Lilly Mtvgan. -s tlie aticepted 1 8 chnleiige and idT op Bro-wkB7 and Mrs. N. E. Snell and "did ap" return'd to fiprlngville Last 132 Total gSME'RNABi) In four games stril Trim Salt Luke yesterday. , whither ponentw held was declared Mr. Larson On motion June tlieso four geritlcnr they had iroue, Wednesday, to Je Public. panhh the unanimous eholee of the meetingsession at the same place, I married lu the Temple. Mrs. ak of. Adjourned. Spell, Fi-rMONEY LOKNDED OM didnt get any honors ceoEmma Hanson, Is the r of daugliti Meets Mapletoi Ilanenn of this city; Mr. fir. 11 Is Xmb:Mhm?at That Cmj Cit; an iut ndlng Via UNION PACIFIC Nincchanceb in ten a son or Hon. G. D. 8no!l and h tl ire Marshal Fuwier, cf Prv.', re AGINT LONDON Trains. Deputy TIBK iter bargains INdDBAKC; well known young, purchaser will obtslu eelved word, Friday, that C. Larenn and jeoplc. Ever wie from Jrom Railway. lOBPANY. ,,8cr tfANMH rOBK, tJlilri the steady adve1 will Join Phi IIxbald in good wnie CMPPuratlD that A. Andersen, wanted on charge of cm Office at rcsid-nc- e, one Bk. tact of Co-o- n Me individual nr.. for Ihelr happiness and To Salt Lake City for the First Grand bezxlement, hod been arrested at Rich-fielof prosperity! tbe ,a,!coun1 advert V . remit 8pacish Fork, Utah. an . exchange, and on Saturday he went and got Annual Eisteddfod, Oct. 3 and 4. snl the , Wnen PURELY PERSONA! you Bad a man who and took ibern to Salt Lake. They 8!xly-Fift- h l Conference of It all them want were given an examination, Wednesday, look out. The correct of Latter day mcrch ht fig and boond over in the sum of foCO bonds tbe Church of Jesus Christ Peter Hanson went to Salt IJ uree on the expense of SUITS S aud Oct 4, 6, adver sing as falling to procure which they went to Saints, Monday. TflEdoes nprni every other le I .in lie tliuate jail. From IT. Hughes was in Provia John THAT In men were the two The expense, engaged kndwhen he feara no f'jr bis car $1 25 Juub In Salt Lake City, business, Wednesday. & Rio Orando prices or the quality. l0r his w; ires, but commission bnalmsi 8 00 , las & Malcolm Into m...... Nephl and after Hughes SUIT getting FtoUr Blgtrup and J. R. Thd 2 50 places them before you in pub ic print nt this city, Mona for about S20( either 2 35 a e you nau visited Provo, Monday, j, Railway. fiautaquln eseiBMi fmllade by assigned or disposed of their goods In In safe one generally rely upon liim us 2 85 ;. A warrant was sworn to In some Payeon WM. JOHNSON. way. with whom Editor Graham, ft Provo, to deal., Never 2 25 Renjenifn 8alt Lake by Malcolm & Hughe, chargfear of licfug held up-I- n town Monday evening. 2 25 Scenic Line of the Worldi SPANISH FORK the louse of ing embfizlement, which led to tbe leer a good advertiser. . . 2 10 ....' arrest of Larson in ibis city by Man-ha- l Mesrs. John Jones und Wm. Sprnvlile......:..... eeeee 1 00 Provo Fowler. By nqmst of friends and the efiWiaiHN were Provo visitors, Wrdnetday. of Larron The only line rnnnlng two tbrdugli ! to he faithful promise appear, Bejmblieu Ceutj Convent; to -Billing Datks From Poeateiln, Cache E. B. Sorley made a business was not locked up. But he did not keep Trains dally lo ForthealKwe event at Tror, Echo, Juab, Eureka, Termlnua Oct. 1st his Uie Lnion locific will make promise. Us went to Sa't Lake and Jnnetien, Mercur, Friday, returning Satu to Oct. FOR 1st mediate Intel and r lu of one Informed a points, his partner and the two skipfare for the round trip. to 5;h LE1DYILLE, ASPKX. PUEBLO, and from all other polnta Oct. Messrs. D. T. Malcolm and V Selling LUte Oct ped out, COLORADO 8PRIXGS and DENVER let; good returning Out. 2. sold Ticket at luelnaive. 0;den and nuuhes were In Salt Lake, Werin will lntermeilats all and polnta Payeon Instructed for Son. 9. 35. Snell. S. R. Cornaby acd M. Mir be good returning until Oct, 12th. All Read the Ad. 1 K ,MTes Ogden 7fl5 a. m will be honored for continuous a tickets were at Fruvo this week as The Monday Republican primary, 8:0o a. m., arrive at Pueblo ,ld headed Free petit Go i by Iourse only. passage A:18 a. m , Colorado Mail by tbe Capital bat one dissenting voice, Miss Mary Bees returned Springe 7Jla. ki.; ritv amercial evening, with -. Denytr 10:30 a. m. collegeA?j Iy for it. endorsed Hon. Geo. D. Snell for the I'astls Gate. Wednesday night, Train No. 4 leaves Ogden p, State senate. Ths dissenter urged the M. Mickelson, Mfgr. a, ill Lake 7:4) p. m., arrive 05 egstion of young people wff at Purlo claims of Mr, Henry Gardner. Heiueed Rates te Cvs Sprlngvill to meet her. 5j27 p. m., Clorado SprlngM 6 '3 p. w.i Tbe meeting wu called to order by Dsuver :25 p. m. . . Colorado, Sejit. 30, ud Oct M. STULL, 1st for the Chairman Booth, end Geo. D. Siul,, Jr. Connect Ions made at PuuLU Colorado annnal meeting of tlie AmcricJ Tea call wuresd Pub ic In wrretar). Hea th , as onatlon, Oct. 1.4 ?pnnge and Renter with all line Met. AND Foiling aui i Lu ai.. k of selecting the delegation I at "nd hlegant Day Coachae, Chair Cara e- - 1 L Ifinal with rs to 26 lbo convention mem cf limit d;.S.eJ,t'l County ofOct.25- - Tickets eo!d byUuiii In nlltuan Etleepyra on all traine. deld. Pacific commmct Tt,e Provo. Monday, Two doors soath if Rorkhill Hotsl. D R G aud have a comfortable ti to return via RGWandrl Vimectioiii at the pod Is ty i composed of the following egation if desired. Pare for the rou:.d tr and the finest iceorry on the enjoy ladloe and gentlemen: Ip 124. SPANISH FO&K, UTAH. i Mesdamee J no Finch, John Snell, YOtJi Shortest line' to Critic Crsekl Cul. So Lick. & th? Teaehr: G. D. Suell, Alice Junes; Misses Lilly rado s Greatsat Gold Cautp. VL CREER, and Elizabeth Morgan Chamber; Ptof. Davis of the Brigb: Young Messrs. H. Tilley, G. G. Hals, D. C. Matk-ha- m, A. 8. lIUGhES I. Academy wu the victim, ' 8. K. HOOPER i FrL T. D. r P. Thomas Ivans, T- - II. lay night, Traffic Mgr. MONEY LOANED G.P. &T.A; . ,ct. ?y wvere drubbing, (b! effects of Jarvis, G. D. Suell, Br J. Wllklua, D. T. Rio Graodc-Wcstcr- f, ON IHFBOVED PARKS AT BIASONABLB Denver, Culcrado. W. P. - wnlch hove P. Booth, Bradford, Ma!eoim,C. caused him it nei lerable ' KATIES. J Valgeraon, J. Thorgeirson, E. Hanson, L. B. F . KEVINS, General on hIi w,f to lh Agent V realdene Jones, B. A. Nellaon, J. T. Hale, W, SPANISH TOBK, UTAH. Of 81 R. Balt Lake City, ttab. Thurmao, to acooi Mls ! WG. Wilkins. . P. ipeny Gresi, J. Johnson, Thurman te the Academy bell at the For the Grand Walsh Eisteddfod at H. M. CUSHING, T.P. A. aa ful1 Ten alternates were chot-en- , Opera hoosa, he was met by W ' Salt Lake City, Utah. ill Kulphf, lows: Meadameo U. Davis, K. D. SuelL Salt Lake City, Oct, 3rd aud 4lh, and the AulaU and poi; j need upon aud Annie Booth; Messrs. II. Davis, G, E. COCHRAN. KI1.krl,S D. Annnal Conference, . L. 8., atd without due Provocation U. Chambers, J. Ellis. n, D. Morgan, R, Womans Bnffhadly beaten. L. D. S., at bait Conference, M. M. R. P. J. A. Stull. Beck, Bnril, The taw1, originated tl Mr. G. G. Hale and Mrs. Alexs Snell Lika City, Oct. 4th, 6th and Atb, locla-si- v, mgh Will Knight little Who i, attending wsrschounu memb ra of thoCcuniv tbe following ratec are anlborlaed the Academy aid Is a Mr. Davis, Ontral commlt.ee, h,1 to Lake City and return: Salt TTAH. iuxu. Thursday., 'm is gill wu A motion wu made by Mi. J. A. Reea q a. it Ion by tbh tsi fibs that '.he dtlsgaliou be iumrueted to From leber. bad ter head turned from hi in while he HE- irk for U.a nomination of Hon. Geo. D. wu Ulklng, nod did not Lebl.... .. . WOOLS leed hie re Suell for Stats stnator. Mr. Jos. Wilt ,i..h .....(1 25 JjbWARD Fork arks, so he says. He bed American MMIISHIMIM 1 85 In Mr. COPYRIGHTS. pointer ktus urged the claims of Henry 1 tfl hie baud and slightly Geneva.... her on tbe Gardner. Tbe vote gave Mr. Snell the 1 DO ebeek lo call Provo aBP(STCr1 remarked preference. 2 10 inritraueiitiun, at . Spf IdktI lls ei 7H Usmtsass. she most be dsblrtd to tear Chairman Graham was pieientind 2 23 8PAX18H FORK Mltlt( all illds few remarks In regard to offered listen to her teacher, The Benjamin Bsoesasoaeaeeo tiieeiii 2 26 to organlBvtion, etc., but bis flow or oraInge were hurt and she eoi IEATJ! 0BDBB8 A TB1 BOTACK HOC. 2 Payaon s s leasesBoee was not li atmoswarm tbe frigid tory failed to ry. Mr. Davis kuiw the el 2 85 Faneqotn. no more Alv harmed, he itys, and tro phere of ths pavillion. 2 75 Gcshen a ss.hsm, when the T. REEF, VEAL, MUTTON, This thought of tbs milter, bu went parent home she sold be ou th Yea Read It! Tickets will FORK. SAUSAGES, fdd girl Di( cl by her been wbl From Kliigham.Sprltig-fill- i. idee. that? she had Herein. AU AMHAiSLErriNHT CABI WILL Bt And all kinds of Vi . Tbe Capital Cfiy Commercial ro'lw dates: Silver Ortin, anil r teacher. lo ermeiliate City I'uin'kir ninisini m- - . . mOPEBLY ATTXNSXD a in ltuirno thl . bas (SO card and offering ,' "Will wait plad under ar st, b.s:UI. J., taper R. A. Steeling, Prof ,rou o1, l" to tith.iudmtve;; i!!3, P,ln1 nM' a of Hon fioe lo imn.l.er person . WAI left by Lla filter for hl ag.ftiDW 1rkHs Hmltrd toOrt. li, i vi: rsK.i uy Edward Waadli Manager. SrAKlSU fQp&i a li Wteq wanted.- - - Itoio b. tita -- r. SPANISH i Wm T. James bus Eisteddfod tick- PORK. UTAH. Say, that was cu'd! P. sonsrs. LUMBER, LATH, SASH, DOORS, ETC. ul kinds Farm its - ee time cards $ardmr, D-- . 8pt - - FOR 10B PRINTING uu The IIHRaI.D Office, I free-for-n- u I pREE Cour.eby Mat. oneh nv FRESH BREAD PIES, CAKES. o- .81 Hack Line - s and HMlRlP Special Bates! Notary J. Improved Farms. .fs j Semi-Annua- J: 18: tv - ........... e o j A-- lt MONUMENTS ff to I EISTEDDFOD Attorney Law, Add 1 CONFERENCE -- n Ai Via Rallvay. J. attorney at Law J1" ........ HACK LINE. Meets IE3eoi3IjE,s AT trains. Vetciinary Surgeon, T. V. , - - feel-imene- ed ir 1 W. - H |