Show I UNION OF SILVER FORCES II II J I hreejGreat National Organizations Exocutit Organ-izations i Consolidated i Executive Committee to Conduct n Campaign of Education Pioposl ton to Hold n Convention to Nominate I Nomi-nate Candidates for Pi evident and I VicePresident on a Silver Plat form Silver Fight in Illinois Chicago Sept 18Plalls are now be ing formulated for a great f > ° Hllvfij convention In Chicago It > 11mte > innt that this convention In ti4 > event that the old parties refuse t place a free I Iartes sliver pUnlt In lid l Platforms shall I nominate Candida3 CO Presidency I and VIofIeslC and organize for Ian I-an active cnman In JS9o > This VvL dr Idet upon at todays session ses-sion of the f frcesllver conference at the autJii um Time Question was I bromrht tfore the meeting by Con I gresmcu cklen who presented a re I solution tI Ii lug for the actIon outlined I above in I fll th cuce today completed the Tim7 1 iID n of time conlllctlng orglln I 4iIUllP f ieseited The hnv leligtlit t sIJosiU or the meuiiH of pro I fU cause were discussed nt I elUc Sit tW IUed that a campaign of ivrQt it cnmlnlgn wd1t Kftis the first necessity and I once was live placed lire ianagement Ved to necessl of the work It at I commlttetthe hands of an execu I members of eac to be formed of three I represented in t < of the I organizations The National orgnnlznlons Rational Memphis selected consolidation I lives Congressman J 1 committee of I Tennessee M W RusclSfcJtr rlr I and Joseph Batallal of VerffiraTR JF 11nt other two organizations the bimetallic union and the bimetallic league will make their selections later The president of the consolidated linrfv will be flnnnrnl M J Warner president of me National bimetallIc league and the secretary will be Edward Ed-ward B Illght president of the Amen can Bimetallic union General Warner certainly will be one of the representatives representa-tives of the league on the executive committee and Thomas G Merrill of Montana mid Edward I LIght arc probable members from the union The executive committee of the Na tional silver committee formulated le solutlons to the effect that the American Ameri-can Blmelalllc league nnd the National Bimetallic union were requested to join with the Nntlonnl silver committee In formulating a plan for holding a National Na-tional convention to nominate I Presi 1 dential ticket Upon a platform with tho sole plank providing for tho re stoiatlon of silver to 0 constitutional place In the currency of oUr country counly without awaiting the action of any other nation on earth I was further resolved that If the Blmelalllc league and the Bimetallic union shall fall to join In the movement move-ment by November 1st of this year the President of the silver committee shall Ihsua a call on behalf of that organla lion alone |