Show EISTEDDFOD AND CONFERENCE Rates ViII Rio Grande Western Railway Rail-way For the grand Velsh lstel11fod lit Salt Lake City October 3111 and 4th and the annual ConCtrenc L D FL amid Rannns conference L D H lit Sail Lake City October lth Gth and 6th Inclusive the following rates are authorized to Salt Lake City nail re tillll Ogden 160 Sliver City I 825 Hay 120 Cnslllla 260 Layton G Nlol ole 27S sviilo 270 ICnysvlllo CO NolJO ° 300 Iurmln ton 00 60IIrllllanolll 3W Lake Shore 40llllburn t00 Woods Cross 2 Fallvlew 300 furlllY 25 lit Pleasallt 360 Germallln 21 8prlll City 301 Blnghllm Jet 1 r hphmltn 300 BIngham 17 ManU 3GO Baney to Sterling 323 hive o 70 Gunllison 32 Lehl 125 Salina 4ro AmH Work 135 Clear Creek 39 Genelu ° ° ° 160 1 Y Junction 495 Provo ° 100 Scolleld 600 Aprlllgvlllc 21Ii Castle Gate 600 SpanIsh Fork 225 Helper 611 q 1I0njamin 223 Irlle tN Pason 235 Green flyer I5J Santa iuln 23j Thompsons 100 Ooshpn 27 CISCO 1 00 Eureka ° 32 Irulla 10m Inlllllloh 325 Graml Junction 10nt < Frou all other stations not mentioned ahove rate will be one single fare for the round trill but In 110 case to exceed ex-ceed rate from point beyond TIIt alto m rp t t 811 the ol6m dales From Ogden Blnghim Spring ville Silver City anti intermediate points from October 1st to Cth Inclusive Inclu-sive tickets limited to October 12 1893 From nil other points October 1st to 6th Inclusive tickets limited to October Octo-ber 15 1895 except Grand Junction Frusta and Cisco at which tickets are Oil halo only on October 1st and 2nd Best possible train service from Ogden Og-den Provo TInllc Sanpclc nnd nil In tTmPdlate points Street curl connect In Salt Lake with all It G AV trains carrying passcn got s direct to Temple equate hotels and nil parts of the city |