Show JUDGE MAXWELL NOMINATED Nebraska Populist Candidate on a NonPartisan Basis ricmont Neb Sept 21 Judge Maxwell Max-well who was nominated by thc Popu list convention for the Supreme court Inn accepted He Insists on accepting the nomination not ns n Populist but on a noiipnrtlsan basis He alludes to Iho Impcnchment I trial and nppaiently vlll I I mnke his position the keynotu of his campaign The Impeachment I tilul I iffeiied lo occurred two > PUS ago when Foveial State oflklnls weie oliaigcd with wholesale corruptIon Mnxvvcll ins on the Supreme bench be fore this tilal occuiied and rendered x luliuiiltv vordlct of guilty Ills lends Insist that he was defeated for rcnurnlnnllon nt the State Republican convention by lends of the men on dial |