Show Capt S I Hlnile who rend I paper before time British URSOclnllon tho other dav on uinnllmlK Huyu that nil the iac < son s-on tho Kontfo Imsln In Africa practice nnnlbilUm fi iimd tlmt wlll ° u I us I iimeven ted t-ed In I lloilions by tho vvblto Ill n ole I orlouH y civilization civili-zation In olljer poilloris of tho basin its It-s on the Incriasp 1 J Sherman youngest son of tho Into fini William T Shut man has political amliltlon 1 I Ho has announced hlniHult a caiiclldito for one of the Now Yoik AB loiubly districts all has seemed the StiplIOl t of Gen Wngpi Bwayno Flue widow of Prof Huxley receives I pension of J1000 |