Show Mr Bryans Address In Behalf of the Bimetallic Union Boise Ida Sept 23G V Bryan member for Idaho of the executive committee of the Bimetallic union has to the Idaho Issued an nlpenl people of to contribute funds to assist the woik After reciting what has been done In other States he says I therefore anneal an-neal to the mineowners the miners the merchants the farmeis bankeis und all citizens of Idaho to contribute to the good cause what they fee able to give and ask them to realize the rast Impoitance of success which menus prosperity to all or the dlsas loiis results which will come with dc flu t Let the mineowners contribute liberally let miners pay say 1 each eeiy three months until the fight Is won let the women contribute their shitic1 get the school children to compete com-pete to see what school can secure the prize for the largest sum raised for this good cause le the mineowners and for the of miner compete honor being 111 si In aiding the cause let the farmer the merchant the banker mil the people peo-ple of nil occupations go to woik earnest earn-est I v actively and persistently to aid In swelling the fund all prove to our Eastern I sympathizers that we me In artiest Ism In our desire for true bimetal IsmI ask that meetings be held In every town nnd precinct in the State Unit each and every mine organIze a com mTttee to solicit aid for the cause That every school In Idaho shall offer 1 first second nnd third prize to the scholar who shall collect the largest sum fo this great and good cause I suggest that contrIbutions be sent to lon Charles Hunting Stale Tiensurcr wh will see that the money Is prompt placed amid receipted for |