Show MURDER NEAR TOOELE E J Nordquists Skull Crushed Crush-ed by George Bates Bates Shuck His Victim on tho Head with a Canal Polo Deed Occurred Near Iileicur Two Commission Merchants Held for Embezzlement Salt Lake City Utah September 52 As n result of n quarrel rcsul over a pro posed cattle deal U J Nordquist ona of Mooele countys best 011 1ooele citizens lies iiuideretl at his home on Mnnklno 01 llnlkll nnch while George Bates his mur derer IH under arrest at Mercur lur i The killing occurred Sunday evening about 1 oclock I at Mnnklns ranch which Is six miles north of Mercur Duilng the aftempan Bates aCtmlpn nmoiiK thuis visited the tanch which hua hil been managed for seveial years past lIy > Nord < iulst All passed the time Pleasantly in the discussion of copious quantities of diluted alcohol Dates mil Nordquist finally began to talk of I Uadlng cows and late In thl evening visited the corral I < cOr1 to look over some I cattle hero they began to quariel I mil nt last becoming emaged Bales seized a heavy I I conul pole and struck I Noidqutst on the head The blow iiushcd his skull For I hours slml neaily four hOUl1 Noidqulst lingered 10llnl 1 1 bYhtr1CI As noon aim sl IC r l He hatchet fatal blow Bates inn to get a with thu Intuntlon he said of cutting oil the Illustrate mans head He was urovented however fiom doing this and was later arrested Dr Sykes was bumnioned fiom Mercur but before his niilvnl Nordquist hud biea her his last Nordquist the murdered man hail an excellent reputation He was quiet and unassuming and a careful ana honorable man In all his business relations rela-tions Mr Mnnkln speaks of him In wife tho highest terms He leaves a w and eight children He was about 4J years of age yCBates who committed the homicide I Is about ten years jounger than his victim Ha has always had I hard imputation Though generally considered consid-ered a coward at heart he was r gnrlle nt IL dal erous mann when aroused About twenty years ago I brother killed n man at Ophlr and was afleiwnul himself killed At Meicur yesterday he changed his bloodstained clothes for n new suit He seemed perfectly per-fectly Insensible of the crime he had committed and appealed nwst proud < of the conspicuous position he occupied A collln and burial clothing for the dead man were sent from this city last I10d will be at evening The Interment wi at Tooele City tomorrow I Jooelo Ciy |