Show Tho Union Pacific System THE THROUGH CAR LINE Loch Tutu CARD In effect Aug 18180 South hound North bound Lfnvu STATIONS Arrlv 7t5am Snit LOGO City 435pm 741nm sandy 40511 e15um Irhl Junclloh 3Oprr S2I8m American Fork 3Onrr e3Zm Plcasantarove 313pm Mm Provo 2ropm va4am lipanlah Fork 232pm O1am J llYllon 217pm 1O36am Ncphl 125plI II 16101 A rrlTe J Icno 12145ptr Arrive Juah 11135atq Leave ArrIve 1230p01 200pm 0llsl8 02501 710pm Arrv I I Icnvo 53b101 16Qpm LfJao f SSilford f Arrlvo S15am J4Opm Frisco 400Jrn Trains south of Juab run dally except Sunday Through Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago without chance Improved Tour HI Sleeper Free reclining chair cars EIoRimtUav coaches The only lire operating Dining car service THE SIIOnTEST AND FASTEST LINE TO AM POINTS KABT D UUKLKY ten Agent Pahscnger Dept City Ticket Office 201 Main St Salt Lake City W E LAWSON Agent Spanish ForkS Fork-S II II CLAng OLIVEH w MINK E EIIKHV ANDEIIRON JOHN W DOANE EnEIJIUCK It CONnEnT Uecelvera R I > Mt < f L J19 s nnd Ticket Agent B DlCKINu Iu Mgr Omaha Nebraska o > rj GREAT r SALT IAKE ROUTE Pullman Sleepers and IJufJot Carr on nil 1 Through Trains Tim Table No 24 In effect March 31 IS35 West hound SIHlons 1lIst Hloand Mtxed I lusb theta Ilnd I Jllxl S E II 1 U SI1 SWput ti ItI nJUU 6 i2 VIII eUpin J I 1 ij J inn aMJm G15 am U3 11111 SpruuIllc b ant 340 11111 530unt 6l1pm pmushlork817am 32t Im ii M > uu eLU I KMinn Paybon 80f nm 2f > pm diJum > i dJpm Kureka 0Knm 100 pm 10 > j uu 80 pin Mammotli tfiCJ am ISU5 pm 11am b30pm SllvcrClty C15 am l iOpm I A VtJCDUHau Jell Passunu Ticket Agent n CDoDaE Gen Mgr S U UJLIICOCK Tmtne Mgr Silt rake City K n HUNT Agent Spanish Fork Back Line Meets Mnplotoi and City Trains HlNISn FORK UTA SUITS < < t JS1 THAT E2T I JS1 JIT SUIT JEi f5Sado by Q W byWM JItl WM JOHNSON e n b FOE mONUM NTS Go toM J to-M Miokelson Mfgr J M STULL E Attorney at Law Two doors south tf Rorkbill Hotel I SPANISH FORK i UTAH 4 WO CREER MONEY LOANED OM I1IPBOVED FARMS AT nEASONABLl RATES SPINISn FORK UTAH E COCHRAN t J Attorney tit Law MtX1l UTAH Elm AltO WOODS HACK LINE Meets all trains LEAP ORDERS JiTj THE BOYACK UOUfiK Veterinary Surgeon ALL N1MAis LEFT IN MY CARE WILL Mt rnOrElLT JTTENDED TOg I TO-g jwarl Woods Manager I 1 f i Add TIlT 1 lou t 1 A s To These I Pages THE PEOPLES 1U EAT MARKET Alw J1BRF l VEAL MUTTON PORK SAUSAGES Aud all kinds of VJ b R A STEELING Prop SPANJHU rQfla t 1 Republican Oonvpntioln County Oonvtntio n For the above event at Irovr ffl Oct 1st I me Union Iuciflc will mnko n r M lf nrnnn rare lilt roc tan rnunil trip Sclliiif ditto 1 Oct good returning Oct 2 I Read the Ad Rend the ad headed Froo llonrse onrae by Mall Mnl1lJy the Capital Pity Co > Inmercial college H Is a nnu offer Ap ily I for it Reduced Rates to Denvei Colorado Sept m nud Oct list far then annual meeting of the Ameriwl the-n Pub ie Ilea tit nsocmtlon Oct 14 follill oiling dates Oct251 80 and Oct 1 with final limit ofOct20 Tickets 19d by I UniJ fn Pacific Rood to return via R ft W and cl nnections if desired Fare f r the roud trl p l 24 Teach Prof Davis ot tho Brigb BrJgbaj m Youug Academy was the victim Fri ny night of a very severe drubbing tbj i effects of which have caused him col co Intllerable pain While on JIg way to till reAitl nee or 8 R Thurman to ncconl Rccoll Mlsn Thnrmsu to tilt Academv I Eipuny Itiall Hall at DIH Opera house he was met bywl Kulpht I lion oresfe Kultfdt poll and b th pOI heed upon the Jftttor wltnout duo Provocation an dJy beaten I Tho toss originated thrt ugh Will KIJljflltIJttle little sister WlIo a t I tending the Academy ard is it until of Mr Davis in a class > 4 un Thursday the IH a Kill I was naked tg a qtustlon by till ml s int t 1 Icuer 816 bad tfirhead wan turned from iilf m while I liti talking and did not t ll I wed bin re marks BO he guys He Led l I pointer bin blind and lIllJllv t cheek toga Il 1 her on the raeu pe I 1 remarked fsbe deemed to lean she must Iliten to her teacher The Ehllda feel Ings wore hurt aDd ebe co i linenced to ory Mr Davis knew the cl IJ was not Harmed he Bays and too no more thought of the matter bu wham the girl went home she tlld T pnrenti tae Ihaaehe lad been suit rd by her teacher Will was pitted under alt f 6 1 and itO wad let by Ll III father for hi nhiVenlnued I ptpapwnnled Prosl vuvut Ir I Did You Read Itl i fie ClllltlllClry Commercliil college had a card In UI t paper uttering iiiilrnu lion true to n nuulfr of pnMIIl8 > Did fl1 read I J WIIL JE > cYL SONS 1 DEALI itS IN LUMBER LATH j SASH DOORS ETC Manufacturers of tho best broom on the market tAn t-An kinds of Farm Produce handled in its Season SPANISH FORK UTAH I r gll glbi ard7 Qp DIf > LEtt9 IN L UMEEE DALII SUING L MS MOULDING ftfc SPANISH FORK UTAH l h FOR IOB PRINTING CALL ° AT THE HERALD OFFICE I s Wm T James DEALER IN 1 ac O u niH 1111 a liillimUU iilIJltIilsMIto1i PIES CAKES KJ winm iH i Main Strict SPANISH FORK UTAH 0111 I JlSUIOgIO I I t J i Special Rates Via UNION PACIFIC Railway Tn n1 r nlfft nUrt frti Mia fflrrf < 1 rand U M J u n Annual Eisteddfod Oct 3 and 4 ana the SixtyFifth SemiAnnual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Oct 45 and 01895 FROM Timh 1 25 Nephl a i 00 Mona 250 Smitaquln 2 3o Paypoii e 2 35 Bcrijnmfu 225 SPANISH FORK 225 SprJneville 2 10 Provo 190 SELtiNO DATES From PocatellnCrtche Junction Echo Eureka Terminus nIIIIMnwIt rtnl n ra Or f Ijt tn rh and from i all l other points Oct lit to 5li Inclusive Tickets sold at O den arid Pay on and all points Inlermetlate will be good returning until Oct 12th All tickets will be honored for continuous passage only + I EIS 1 EDDFOD AND CONFERENCE 7 RATES I Via Rio Grande Western 1 Railway For the Grand Welsh Eisteddfod at Salt Lake City Oct 3rd and 4th and the Annual Conference L D 8 and Womans Conference L D S at Salt Like City Oct 4th 5th and 6th Inclusive Inclu-sive the following rates nro authorized 10 halt LEKO ulty uuu rlilUrn FROM I FROMLehl Lehl H 25 American Fork I 35 Geneva 1 CO Provo 1 00 Hprlncvllle 210 SPANISH FORK 2 25 Benjamin 2 25 Payson 2 35 Ranaquln 235 Gcsheu 2 76 Tickets will ho sold on tip tll11ewlnif dates From 0itrn IUnr > lmm SprliiR Vllh Silver City and in rrmediatp I pnlnts rom Oct lt I to fUtlnclllslve i1 I tI I t hale 1mIrti to OCI Hi lblr 1 i 1S lEr11E15L1a BP Jlil VH Course by Mall r j If n ib E with the E m CAPITAL CITY CoJiHKncuL COLLEGE 1 j m To Adaetiee Our College h wo flll give n thorough r courto or in t m 1 Htructlon In double nail Hlnglc entry honk keeptniunti coinraercliil Arlth r lii mutlu by mall Til tl Chiri > > to a limit in 144 cO number or persons This routs f j will bo completed in 40 Icssmid No I charge for diplomas AddriHu trf 14 I 1 11 CITY COMMERCIAL t m 10 Drawer D lpela Kan t ix aa a j = 1i 1irj COllN1 B1 Notary i Fublic MONEYj ZO3SNDED OM t Improved Farms AOEST LONDON FIRE INdUlUNC a tOiUANY 0IIIeo at rcBidnce one Hk cast of Coui Sjiacisli Fork Utah TllE R Denver Rio Grande Railway M Scenic Line of the World Tho only line 1 running two through i I < I 1 u Trains daily to I LIHUYILLE ASPKN PUEBLO > + Yt COLORADO SPRINGS end DENVER Train No 2 leaves Oillen 700 n f in S I Snit Lake 805 am arrive nt PUt Llo H18 n m Colorado Springs 751 a IUj Denyrr 1030 in 4 Train No 4 leaves OhJon 035 p T Silt Luke 74 p m urrivfl Ht PUt rho o27 p m Colorado SprlngH 053 p I tui Diiuver 023 p I rn t Connections made at Pu Lb ColoBdo Springs nnd Denver with all lines tltt hleeant Day Coaches Chair Cara r I Pullman Sleepers on all trans 1 i the D It G and have a cbrnforuble ti i nod Inn enjoy tbe finest iceucry on the cu J uu < u Shortest liDO to Cripple CnekJ Color ratios Greatest Gold Camp A S ItUUjtlES 8 KHOOPER Traffic Ttfgr Gp tE T A Denver Colorado B F NRVINS General Ageut t Salt Lake City Utah Hl1 CUSHING T P A Salt Lake City Utah oj r r rtJi 1JW fl1 l1J 1 1 9 CAVEATSTRADE MARKs COPYRIGHTS CAN I nbAyN A PATENT I For r ralpt 1 I1 09kNNCO who have t opinion write 0 I1 > Irllnclilln tb wbo bue batt near oaaztyomnr tionnettalot patent bu formation tON trlcUJ conC < 1ential A llnndbook ar ln latn them a tat oneernlnll tree Patents and bow to obe Alto I as I a catalogue at l all t edmuao bOOb sent tree n t1I tomtouah Iela taken tbranb Mwm b Co 0001PQ gu nOlcel tbe tic enttaeAmerirap tbai et r rouct widely Amorln txg t ot to the In betoratbe public lb + auedwaeal tayeutdr Tbla tipeedtd aPl t tarrett IJenntlJlIluatrOl rrrBd rtrcliatioa 11hu fleJt ff3 aear I of any aclenuao work rt In tb1 nuldtnpFdituu Semitewllreeeatlrer ffu MIce niuuiblyt4euyear r gumbor mntim tllnJ Lea plttg In anion r It iJ houlte fut 1111 tllS ahhe of n I htft 1 rdale nftlolilll nk a ahl t + 9 ityt Jx 1 > 11 tlI1 Vu mnlCI fIIl N id Wut Allllrl f una 111 IingAav r 7J |