Show t Doming Statehood Is nccosarlly a subject that interests every resident of Utah because tho admission of thc Territory means great advancement and rapid strides in the right direction the inllux of foreign capital and the com InJ F 01 thc new element whose only aim will bo 1 to build up the country and essentially i essen-tially to particpate In the proipurlty that wilt follow Between now and the time tho new star is put on Old Glory many things of grave importnnvo will hapPDt and It should be the wish and the care of every one to keep thoroughly posted on the situation and the only way tqduitliat is to get the news regularly by subscribing to tha dally or SemiWeekly Tribune life eemi weekly costs but 75 cents for three months You can afford to spend 76 > cents for such a cause cant you |