Show THREE HUNDRED SLAIN Cub ns Receive News of a Sanguin CubN amy Battle N < IV York Sept 2311 News of a bat II ii I i which the Spanish wero defeat ei i 1 the Cubans nnd lost 200 was le cel d today by President Palma It In a letter written September 14th cam loter Tltol 1th by edro Ilovlnia I Cuban private bylio deserted from the Spanish ranks at 1 era Lego when Campos was de nlll In a Inter engagement Rovlra sins captured by the Spanish court 1 laled and sentenced to lecclve 400 vIa I f1 I and to bo shot Tho sentence was carried out while Rovlra was shou Ing for Cuban lIberty Tl h letter says nil San Diego where the xecutlon took place was Incensed npnl I st the Spaniards nnd then goes oJ describe a hardfought battle fUlntlflJn who wa < Bcc In a hospital at t lijn escaped to Ounntnnln In Au i nd told the Spaniards that Gen Jose i Maceo was sick In the Cnslnbrn hospital and had only thirty men with him wlll August 30th Mnceo heard thai 1200 men were matching on him Maceo so arranged his forces as to de ceive the Spanish On August 31st the Spaniards captured Francis and General Maceo fortified his few men In a plantation house near the hospital The Spaniards werp steadily closing In on him wnon reinforcements came to his relief and made the enemy cnne vacate their position This battle lasted from 6 oclock a in to 9 p in with one Intermission of two hours The Spnnsb illil ijiMjlifrtq 11 n iimtmtfnt all after I ur1 lng their provisions they continued i I I to fetreit to the mountains which I I plncU they entered In scattered gioups I I In lIme engagement the Cubans lost I forty wncn wounded nnd Killed The I Spanli I lost over 200 men forty horses I and Int j large store of piovisions and I munlt > jng of war I Col pegeda at the head of 1000 I Spanlf njs well provisioned left San I Dlego for Combre today September 14th Spaniards ore deserting every day eciitl Joining the Cubans aTiu Spaniards after the batsSs sent I for tly s to Spain headed The defeat I the Miture of Jose Maceo and asked I ment reward sending the names of I CUI rownrt onicers In the engage |