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Show C9 J '- Ll'J. LJ- TERRITORIAL TOPICS. Ogden anticipates the erection of a tabernuule next year nearly as large as the Balt Lake structure, The flne shade trees .of JjOgan were by the snow, the greatly damaged streets being strewn with brunches and even trunks of trees. Two Ileber boys, Levi Clegg and Charles Cummings, pleaded guilty of thirty petty larceny and were given in the and forty-liv- e days, respectively, Wasatch jail. Charles Xedcne in Commissioner Sommers court on the 23rd was lined 125 and costs, being convicted of battery on the person of Hogan Hansen at South Jordan. Young men are getting to the front in Itah. Five who have achieved nowere toriety in one way and another Frovo at nrralgned before Judge King teens. who are scarcely out of their As free as water," la a common prosxion, but 1). Smith evidently tlnds it not so free as It might lie. On the complaint of D. 11. Morton he was arrested on the 23rd, charged with stealing water from Hlg Cottonwood creek, Mine Inspector ltuwllngs Is defendant In a divorce suit brought against him by Ills wire. Mrs. Itawlings alleges desertion and cruelty, and prays for the custody of the children and liermanent alimony. The storm did much damage in Utah, both to ripening fruit and fruit trees, the added weight of the snow being too much for the latter. The sturin was general, from west to oust, and swept across the continent. Herman Humberger and J. It. Morris of Malt Lake county were Indicted by the grand Jury, three against the former and two against the latter. Felony Is charged In each of the indictments. Feter Clark, who murdered Henry Nugent at Park City lust week, wits held without bull, It apiieariiig from the evidence of witnesses to the killing that there was no provocation. He has bora landed In the pen. e The complaint entered by M rs. of Ogden, suing for a divorce from her husband, lias been withdrawn and domestic harmony restored. The return of Mr. Woodinansee lifter un absence of some time caused his wife's repentance, and thus effected the hui-p- y result. Martin I lay ken, the chief actor In the alleged furniture frauds, who has gained unsought notoriety of litLe, lefl for his home in Denver without much pomp or ceremony, where he met the manager of the Andrew Furniture company. It is hinted that lie may forget to return when Ids trial la called. At Frovo, the 201 h,- Will Knight assaulted and laJly bruised Professor Davis of the Brigham Young academy. hud punKnight claimed the teacher Mr. Davis ished a girl with a stick. her to attract said he Just tapped her he vculllHted case will The attention. In Police court at Frovo. Bert Gamble, an employee of the Fisher Brewing company, was arrested on the 23rd by the game commissioner, and having in his possession four siiip-.- ' that he had vioit was lated the game law. He was brought before Commissioner Hammers, and pleading guilty, paid $15, Including costs, for Ills siort. Dr. John H. Park and Dr. Karl G. Maeser have mutually agreed that in order to keep out of polities the nfllee nf Superintendent of Public Instruction, for which they arc contesting candidates. neither will go on the slump this year. Judges Zone, Kartell and Miner, Republican nominees, have also decided not to make a political canvass. Roy Dunce, 8 years old, son of Hyrum Bunce nf Logan, fell while climbing to a' reach a high shelf in the stove-rooshort time ago, and In falling struck e' Wood-mause- self-evide- nt aimnfli uinr mitt the corner of the oven door, causing An complete obstruction of the bowels. operation for Its removal was performed. but unsuccessfully, and the boy died. Millard Progress: A couple of gen- e tlemen left last week for Nephl to a large bill nf building material from Grace Bros., for a house one of the gentlemen Is erecting. When they reached Nephl, you may Judge of their left surprise when they found they had took their bill of lumber at home and with them a Bunduy-sclioreport by mistake In Its place. Chairman llasbrouck of the Peoples a party Stale committee has addressed challenge to Chairman Powers of the Democratic committee to have the candidates of the two parties for Governor and Congressmen meet In joint debate. Chairman Powers replied, claiming that he, like lJarkls, was willin, on the condition dliat the Republican candidates also be included In the defl of the Populists. A daughter of Louis Hulvorsen of Hyrum was brought to Logan the other evening with a needle she had swallowed slicking In her throat. It had lodged some distance down, and Dr. Snow found it dilllcult to extract. The little girl was given chloroform, as she was too badly frightened to remain perfectly quid pur-chas- ol with prostitution. The girls denied the charge, but the evidence was conclusive. and they were cummltted to the care of the Home for the Friendless, uiain the solicitation of Mrs. Paddock, who volunteered to make an effort to secure their admittance to that institution. Other girls who are thought to belong to the same clique of which Lixxie and Kitty were the leaders are lieiug looked out for, and the police are determined to entrap them and wlie out as far as iiosslble the Influences that are ruining so many young girls amt wrecking homes. ITovu Knqulrer: Word has been received from Arisons of the killing of Eugene Hulliduy by John Hunt at that place. Both men are well known In this city, having previously resided here. Mr. Halllilay has relatives In Hantaquln and John Hunt will be remembered by the people of Provo as a having lived at the Allman painter, liounthis city, for a number of years. y The killing originated through Mr. kicking Mr. Hunt's dog, where-uHi- n he was slupited by the latter. Friends interfered and stopped a fight, anil Ilulllday started to ride awsy. Hunt threw a rock at him while he was leaving, and Halllday gut from his horse and returned the compliment. Hunt then pulled a gun and fired, which resulted In the killing of Mr. Halllilay. Brothers of Hunt furnished him ball to the amount of $30u0. The cutting of timber on the publlo domain has always been a matter of strife and contention, and periodically I he Government agents harry the inhabitants with vexatious suits that amount to little or nothing. The effort has been usually to enforce the taking out of permits, c. falling that, the collection of stumitage at the rate of 75 cents per 1000 feet of lumber cut. A spasm of activity is now on and some sawmills in Banpete county near Fulrvlew are charged with cutting without a permit, anil of thirteen so chnrgeil, all have applied to pay the Iienulty rate of 75 cents. If they had taken out permits they would huve hail to pay nothing, so long as their product was not sold lu Utah. Col. Anderson. the Government agent, has received a petition for clemency from one violator of the law who admits cutting three million feet of lumlier on Government Hindis without a permit, and Is now willing to pay the jienalty rate, which will cost him $2250. - AND CONFERENCE City .. I.K Cast Ilia IMI .. t.as 75 Th tail 2.75 tt'Kabo 1.00 .Gil Indlanols 3.C0 .40 Milburn ..'.'.".I! slno .25 Falrvlcw 1.00 .K ML Pleasant .. 1.00 .!58urlng City .... I.M 1.10 Kayavllle Farmington Lake Shore ... Wood's Cross. Murray Germania .. .. bhighum Jet.. Bingham Sandy I.M 1.7.'IMant! 1.00 .SAIBlerllng .TOjGunntaon Riverton Amsr. Fork Geneva Trove 1.25 1.25 !sj Batina 4. R0 ... l.leiClear Creek .... I.K 1.50!1. V. Junction.. 4.95 l.WIHccfleld 5.00 ..... I.K gprtnry.llo jPantle Gate ... 5.00 6. no Helper Benjamin 2.25j Brice .... ...... b 2 35 Green River.... Paysnn 9.50 2. Banlaquln Thompson's .. 10. (.0 Goshen no t.7rif'laro kureka 1.2V Frulta IO.iM Mammoth .... 1.25'Grund Junction I0.no From all other stations not mentioned nbuve, rate will be one single fare for the round trip, but in no case to exceed rate from point beyond. TMula lvllLL wM-utin following dales: From Ogden, Bingham, Bprlng-vlll- e. Silver City anil Intermediate points, from October 1st to 6th, Inclusive; tickets limited to October 12, 1896. From nil other points October 1st to 6th, Inclusive; tickets limited to October 15, 1S95, except Grand Junction, Frulta and Cisco, at which tickets are on sale only on October 1st and 2nd. Rest possible train service from Ogden. Frovo, Tlntlc, Banpete and all points. Street cars connect In Salt Lake with all R. O. W. trains, carrying passengers direct to Temple square, hotels and all parts of the city. TKI PETTY TYRANTS be-cau- light-fingere- o TEST Ikrat-Crew- n References-- !? tliu city, onlAfi minutes drive from .business ceiitor.l-lltground, splendid view, surroundiV bv uicn Lots wide stroets, houses, lffeut deep to alloy, 10J foot wide. lio S90 to S175 per M. Limping Lyman it Z. C. M. I. Eot. valuru 510 cash, No interests no texes per month. until paid for. August 1st (rices will be advanced. Only half thnlr present 510 W. E. HUBBARD, 43 West Second South. I Oakley ba a new ptrk. t0 the English railway compaiiiiht started the public said running sleeping-carto them: We do not wish to lie horded i you wiil up together like please have the 'cars divided i tt night two Into parts by a curtain, so that our ladles may be spared the annoyance of having to share a section with a man. I do not know a slngju American lady who has not told m-- j of that grievance, and how on that inccount he dreaded traveling alone. Yet 1 am not aware that the America a public has ever told the officials of any railway company In this country: Wc pay you, and you shall, please, give such accommodation ss will secure the comfort of our women. On one occasion, In a crowded sleeping-ca- r from Syracuse to New York, I occupied ah upper berth, and a lady occupied the lower one. If she only felt half as uncomfortable as I did, I pity the pwir woman. "Coming from Washington to New York, a short time ago, every scat In tlie drawing-roocar was occiuila-i in uMuiierarura or twos ear wu anni JO degrees. The perspiration was trickling down the cheeks of the uassenwers. the women were fanning thcmsi-lve- s with newsnnners. all stifimi. i:uf-fin-g and blowing, hardly ahla to but no one dated su and oaen the ventilators, not one said to the this is nerfectlv please to opt-- the ventilators at once. I took upon niyuelf to go and address him; Dont you think,' I timidly ventured, 'that this car i.i milch too hot? T do not, lie said, and away. As I meant to arrive In New York alive, I opened, not the ventilator, but my window. That was a reckless, foolhardy resolution. The passengers threw at me a glance of gratitude, but there was in that glance an expression of wonder at my wild temerity, and they looked sideways, forward and backward, to see If the potentate of the train had seen me. I was fairly roused, I was sick, my head was burning, almost spilt, and I was ready for that conductor If he had come to close my window and that at the risk of passing for some uncontrollable rebel. The railways of this country are ruled by the nigger and (or the nigger. , "Then there Is the mahwho, every five minutes, bangs the doorSjf the car with all Ills might to let you aow he has arrived. He will wake you ui from a refreshing nap by a tap oiil yoqr j shoulder to Inform you that hi has laid a magazine on your lap. Thtci he will return with chewing-guIthen with papers, then with bananas. apples and oranges, then with skull-leaps- , then with books, then with tenveent from ills lnexha?k?tl-fcf- t pleqeuUsycIry. ' Ym?s. AlUEhgllshmanT'on' this kind of unceasing boredom the time the train starts till the when it reaches Its destination V be tried, would pitch the boy o the window. Then there is the refreshmcnt-roo- l You ask for refreshment and you name what you would like to have, ai d you receive the refieshing answer, Invariably accompanied by a frown: Whats tliatr You apologize for the poor English you have at your disposal, If you have acquired It in England, and you prepare to enjoy a piece of custard or apie pie, or may be, doughnuts. On leaving the place you pay, and the man at the desk would feel dishonored if he said Thanks to you; but I will say this for him, that he so little expects thanks for what tie brings to you or does for you that If you say Thank you, he will cry, Youre welcome, in the tone of, Whata the matter with your Life la short, time Is money,- - and all these little amenities of European life are dispensed with. "You leave the train and arrive In tlie hoteL From tlie tender mercies of the railway conductor you arc handed over to the hotel clerk, and, lu small towns, to the lady waitress. Not a mile on the clerk's face. He is placid, solemn and monosyllabic. Your name entered on tlie registry, your sentence Is pronounced. You are no longer Mr. you arc No. 219. The colored gentleman is close by to carry out the sentence. He bids you follow him. Yours is not to ask questions; yourb is to follow and obey. The rules of the penitentiary are printed in your bedroom. You shall be hungry from 8 to 16 a. m., from 1 to I p. m., and from 6 to 8 p. in. The slightest Infringement of the rules would be followed by the declaration that you are a crank. i At the entrance of the dining-rooJ the head waiter, or the lady head waitress, holds up the hand ami bids you follow him or her. Perhaps you a friendly face at one of the tables. Yours Is not to Indulge In feeling of that sort; yours Is again to follow, otiey, and take a seat that is assigned to you. During the whole lime that al1 together I have spent In Anu-rh-never once saw an American man or woman who dared sit on any lher chair than the one that lie or sh wa ordered to occupy. Nay, I have Keen the guests waft timidly at the lour, when nobody was there to tuko .hem In eharge, until somu one came rfi order them about. In small hotel; you cannot hope to have the cc arson brought one ofier the other S" that eacfl one may lie served hot tc you. Your plate Is pluced In front oj you, and the lady waitress disposes syni-ovmetrically ten to fifteen little dishes around it. When I first made' the acquaintance of this lad)-- , nr d she had dealt the disheo, I exclaimed,1 looking at lier: llnllo! what's m:niiiV Hilt there was no Hilling with that, lady: she threw ut me u glance thutj made me fetl the abomination ut in- - conI duct." Bn Max O'Ui-1reiteruter th:it llie patience of flic Ameiieun puldicjis simply angelical, nothing limit uOf that." He says that we get no i ourlo.-fc- ' from he jieople we pay, because wcj expect s, t" m a XT wllko OF B s; tUX Vfe 'SSSsAJi f th n! HSSSjgSi , sttl .1 frr ndyur htftC L bii-Rth- Bates Via Bio Grande Western Bailway. For the grand Welsh Eisteddfod at Balt Lake City, October 3rd anil 4th, and the annual Conference, L D. 8., and Woman's conference, L. D. 8., at Bull Luke City, October 4ih, 6th and 6tli, Inclusive, the following rates are minimized to Balt Lake City and return: ' High-Gra- d By WHY? It Is right In a EISTEDDFOD two-year-o- ld BR0I. New COMFORT Not The choicest close-i- n rss.l knee subdi-1- 3 vision In Balt Lake City, lots sold luce April 17th, 95. Hal-lidn- AMEBJCA. Ala vvK?il savs that the American's JlsiHMition to that of an angel. Whenever Max is -- rked what struck him moat In the course of his visits to the United States, he answers: "I never once saw an American lose his temYet he dm not regard the anper. gelic trait of the American as an enviable virtue. He finds that it is of this amiability that the American la ruled and bullied and snubbed from morning till he goes to sleepi This he tPlls us in tlie North American Review for September, In an article descriptive of the many petty tyrants' that rule In the United States. As to our polities, he takes the opportunity of reminding Jonathan that during the nitration. If the greatest objection to a monA Logan inun named Boren C. Peterson. while crossing a bridge leading In- archy Is that a nation may thus run to hlg premises In the Fourth ward the the risk of being ruled by a fool or toa scoundrel, the greatest objection other day, was thrown from the load of certain should be wheat he was hauling, and both wheels that a forms of democracy nation may thus run the risk of the wagon run over his let! leg above the knee, breaking the Innu iMid of being governed by 500 of such. And badly luccratlng the flesh. lr. Snow as for costs, he believes that enough ret and dressed the liuih. but recovery money Is spent and enough business Is will probably lie slow, as Air. Peteisoii flopied during a Presidential campaign In America to keep all tlie is 74 years old, Richard Waters writes from Park crowned heads nf Europe during the four years of the President's time nf City that the Dick Waters docribcd ns office. Then the American knows notha Park City miner, and who was rublie I of a watch mid afterward lined ing about leisure: he is always on the 111 flow schemes are forever trotting 101100 court In Balt Luke, Is a al'rt; his brains; he In too full of busiscoundrelly Inqxininr. whom he wants about prosecuted for falsely iiersonaling him: ness to be concerned about trilling anhe and his son are the only two men of noyances; besideo, he may happen to that name In the Park, and they have dwell at X. 8479 West one Hundred not bten In this efiy for several and Seventy-eight- h street, and he must months. try to remember where he lives; so he T. B. Parrott, of the advanced age of pockets snuhn and kicks, and forgets." X3 years, was the victim of one of the Sa;; Max O' Hell: d "The Americans, like the French, gentry on tile 23rd. A street ucriiiaintancc. whon- Mr. have no Initiative and lack public spiParrott never eng.ig-- d th- old rit. The Englinh are the only people man In some absorbing topic of con- who are served by their servants, let tlu-and versation touched him for the servants he the ministers of tlie his time-piec- e. The watch was nil old crown, the V.lrectors of publlo comllnier" or small inlrfuric value. The panies, or mere railway .forteis. To police are now searching for the every one of whom John Hull aya a whose nerve permitted rn,-l- i salary he says: Please to remember reck lei-i- f Indiscretion ss the rubbery of that you are the servant of tlie public.' surh n young and active imin. Win n the appoint a new ofCache countys ugricult uml fair was ficial, high Kngiisli or low. It Is a new servant snowed In. that they add to their household. When Two girls, Kitty Anderson nud I.ixxle the French and the Amei leans appoint Thomas, both under IS years of age, a new utllclal. it Is a new that were brought before the Police court of they give to themselves tomaster snub them Salt Lake City on tne 23rd, charged and to bully them. For v. example, het HEWLETT OAKLEY ! Baking I-T- Psadsr is Iks ibsngsit and pursst Kids. No Alum All No Ammonia Grocers Sell It eon-No- nnen-2mi0!- c, Hilgert Deformity Shoe Co.stmt n 69 The al HAS NO RIVAL in its successful Work. Rutd the TESTIMONIALS of rel --known men. Works no INJURIES on the rystezn, bat improves your HEALTH. TAKE IT and in 5 DAYS you IT V. X. X. N. Salt Lake City, TT The Keeley Institute, . ON EVERY GAN. Send $5 for one bottle to Eagle Pharmacy, -- tidies. B. K. Cor. Stood South and West Tamplu StresL, Suit Lake City. The Institute Is under tho manageWanted Everywhere. ment ol Dr. J. W. bt. John, who has Agents been at work with and In tho employ of Before buying sen that thn bottle are sealed with the signature, Dean the Lts'ey & Keeley Company for the None gunulno without ihl.im al or when seal Is broken. Thu treatment and past four years. nibauageuientof patinuts will be tho same a at Dwight. Lu Dais Identl-all- y E. N. JENKINS A. F. A. METHODS. Temple of Music. Order Expects to Control the Next National Election. Kansas City, Mo Sept. 23. J. II. Jackson of Fort Worth, Tex., president of the A. F. A., lectured at Turner Hall tonight. When asked today qliout the condition of the A. 1J. A., Utah Agcsti for tbs best Pianos sad Organa Is th marks! he said: The order is growing rapidly in tiumliers. We have In round nuuv three and a half million members. In California we have two hundred thousand, and In tlie older States further East, the number of members we have Is enormous and growing dally." Continuing. Mr. Jackson said: We are getting ready to surprise Missourians. Missouri ir well organlxed. but we would rather show you by our votes ASTONISHING RESULTS than tell you bow big a vote we have." STEEL RANGE "Will the order take part in the next From Tho national campaign?" It certainly will do so, and It will go i EAGLE LIQUOR CURE Into win. In October there will be a 0 EXCELLENT IN EVERY RESPECTconvention at Bt. Louis, attended by 1 ninety-si- x delegates, two from each SlFHST, HOST R'dCCKSSKUi; AND MOST iNT IlRMXUV YET DISCOVERED. State, and some of our nfilceiii. sa that a strong ccnmiitu-- will lw apWo ham an linmruso lino of Stovos, Cues ticntn m hopoleM, now eared and point'd. It will be the duly of that bniuxlit Ilangcs and Heater Iq , news M nJ lifr aud happluoM to lay before each present Suiccl Front. KKAU jVIIK TKsTlilOMAi, of a Wiy- our and to principles explain parly ieian aen lcen leal on cure, but now a inch position. The committee will HOT All! FVKXACK IN AVRItirA'. ri:T uu'irer In tna s. it MenuMly, KiiUpm (mn I present our plutfonn. We will demauil utl,r' ami tti errs of tarritia Iiqaol uiun, recognition, put each iiarty on record ! ul l w .ilAny. and Llirn determine what we shall do, lie na ri for further iHirtieuUrt or rail nt Utah Stove & Hareware Co You ean rely on this: Wo won't vote s, ui:h a ni'ty that condemns our I'HAUMACY, Catalngu apillotiun. Coruur Connisivial aud Pint Swnib Sir. nnd we won't support any party fta. un i W. b. K Cur. 8:. Hex inti. bait talc t'.lty (hut umkes a l id for the Kom.'iti CnUm-It- a Salt lathe lillf, Utah. vote. When they have acted, we shall act In unison." Iio you cxiH-et- , then, to control the (GENT.'3 WANTED Ji" next i h cilonV" Salnry-Mil- l your lu . niily t IikkiIIi- - our "We do. The that we vote exyrnvet tn rnriy. kpi, I Tir lli-- l d.ty 8161 Waihlnutnn Arc., will! will win. We,uly are not going In nn lai Main Slrtet, LAKK PUBLISHING CU. 'ALT a pulith-ii- l pnrty, but we have princiCHibtN, UTAH. 17 Conttll liiiwa lilu;-- . salt lake uty Kilt t.eku c.ny. I lull. ples to carry on1, end it Is to advance Ihi-iHist we shrill vote." "Wc will have ri hnnd In the election! In every State In the Union. Our method of dealing with parties In each wiil be our as same Stale much the icvri.n mii tuns ni:lhodg in elty politics." Hiding mb ml nnd liio1 rlu livery, iitayelM, un4.-ieeuit-t i- Kir Henry Irciiii:, tn Ike Pihn-- r.f ruug good. nwttm, Will-:.-- , and 4 tV. booth. llOn'AkCli. Is In tin: nu:t demand amcsig Id PI KAUI'A , A It I El,. KiiKlisf mi n re. ii Miruker lit puiilic fiiiH-yole.Agsatu 208 South West Temple, hi-r- s POST OFFICE BLOCK, $35 - J ZAtiLK prin-Ml-lt- 1 iU BROWNING BEOS rii-h- t ML m-::- R. Evans, s e HI-- - - i.uiri. Tim Imkea of toil; uml (.'uiiikridim end Irving la popularity. Is piol-aldthe (.'ois!!uii:ln In lain!, lit- - knows how In. lii.inage a liu cling, nr.il always pinkw u'ltliion Iliim Mrs. Lizzie M. l' lot.l of Monmouth, Me., ruiis a t inti). She lurns mi puwi-- r Him I lie iiiuohiiu-rywnli'lie-wlide her follow WhP-The Luilu- - t,r I In Ml ( hall ur tlON.vl Ctl ItlUYUbLd City. , i ui f Penitent iniy Counierfcitois. Frankfort, Ky.f Sept. that counterfeit luurs-- lii-- I Al tiii-lc- nt er - Lll wants i. ball Lake Printar bupplinr, Vn-.pinE-Hut LaHULRTTwine, PAPER lal y. Lake hus-li.i- iuii-ii- trouble. Frederick liecause of business bui'liM-r- s "). Woo-I- . mannyer of a Ohlcsgo r 23.-- Ifts Uv voted to the Interest of pj;-r(iry . Uirfuls ilruwupil hl:iif( y Ms 'au of Kuiro vetoed Mavor Francisco made 'sen in the Kentucky In which the lax levy In a long Wr.rd-.-George has i.i'ddji which he raid tl:al the lux levy rhimM not exe took from convict Dillard .f valu.-itloceed one dollar on nn are (red The denomlnntiowi are if wiiich would lie ample to ilckels, dimes and quarters. run the city on an economical baris. He Mrs. Langtry (ells how slu- ca0e to he argued that, nitlioi:i.h tne ojder had nut narrltd ns toliows: "tine ay tlis:e came Ifftii sulunitted to him for Ids approval, r,to the huilior of Bl. Hellers, ,on tlie still the law empower'd him to pans lie of Jersey, a most lmu(iiul Wcht. upon it. net the owner of tlie yacht and f0 Will T lisle, the gweet singer of Tenn . To lirccnio ive with tiie llko Frank L Stanton, Is a newn-im,jy. nessee, man. ress ot l lie In nnu of the eilliurlnl yarbt I mnrrlcd tin. uwncr alwurd staff of the Memphis Commirclul-Appeu- l. J- I'laa 'JIDCDT gi-ii- none. j on eartti will ho lengthened, ..!-- I " a direct authorized branch of the parent hoase at Dwight, III., has been opened at 160 W. Second North, Halt Lake City on the lino of the stroet railway running to Warm Springs. For tbo trealiuont of the liquor and opium habits, with Lesley E. Keeley Companys double chloride of gold rem vni-lit- i El of the TOBACCO end HABIT and your daya llhofrj OAM K 37-9- 5. JnUg-nin- LA tr Is a Wonderful Thins. -- BLUE DIAMOND Sill takaOlty Eagle Tobacco Cure -- fjga Em! Third South Blr Art iur Bullivun, it In reported, Is tc weivu down for the nw he''- jiusi- - wiiiou he has composed' for thw Alhnmbm. Airs. A.nelia K. llorr l for In . nerirs: that many p rsons o to v gprd her un an Ami Bh- is a Nor ), of I'rclaml wonm , uml in Kendal Parish dr rcli, Wen . Fnu Kpcnl muny ye ra In d prior to loavln-- ; that c- milry lor In v and her latent .imerlca, urk, "Iter oh la." Jl.w. Harr gives rvldr ice uf iii fiic-- t by, her itcqualnUncu with Jacobite-histor- y auu Jure. The Prus'-lit hss npirfiinlivi John F.. Ttnker to In- - Ini rvtary uf L giiil.m u. Munartiu, Nicaragua. Hu Is u on uf Alin later '.inker. ( Rambler, Kamlastos, Warwick, BICYCLES and Tribnua, Veathtritou and eycls lundrlaa, Unua, Ammunition, Tunta, Playing Card. Lto. Hlue tratml oatalogu tr. Reliable PEDIGREED FRUIT TREES havi-nm- Ii.in-lu.id- Kcot-luti- PIONEER NURSERIES CO., BALT LAKK CITY,- UTAH Grow only First-cla- ss and' High Grade Stock. 9 - |