Show The Ontario Water Ditch The big ditch to bilng water from Irland and rilnhall lakes to the Ontario On-tario Daly nnd DalyAest minIs has been complstui nnd Is I now ready for he Piping which will soon begin to arrive The ditch Is fourteen feet deep In places and Is a good piece of work Afi soon ns the feedpipe Is I placed nnd boxed n strong dam will be placed nt the lower end of Island lake whllh It Is calculated will mllil tIme entire suiface of the lake from twelve fo ourtten T feel thus greatly IncHjasng tilt supply The quiStlon of title be twpon the Onlnilo company all M < > Hrn Newell and Bhleldi has beau adjusted to ho Fat nll fpcton of all concmiied amid tm compnijyB right la now peifected |