Show POLL OF THE SENATE ThirtyNine Senators for Free Coinage Claims There is no Possibility of n Free Coinage Bill Passing Eithoi Housa of CongressConCelence Confeience of Silver Democrats at Memphis Mr I Btynns Appeal to tho People of I Idaho Washington D C Sept 21 189 The New York World which Is I no toriously the most unreliable of Custom Cust-om journals publishes n long sciecd el todav which I states Is the result of the canvass recently made by the New York Chamber of Comm ° ice of the position ot Senator and Kepi esentn tiLes of the next Congicss upon tho money question It gives the totals as follows Tree sliver Republicans 30 fico silver sil-ver Uemoriuts 61 free Mlvcr Popullsts4 7 a total of SS Antlficu slhcr 216 and doubtful 12 lime amazing gall of the World In commenting upon such a table with wili the Uu Hlalcrnent that thieve Is no possl uiiiiv 01 u nee coinage bill passing either the Senate or the House need no commpnl The Woild places nil the Indiana members of the House and all but thita of time Missouri members op posed to free coinage and Inlts table of 216 voleo there In likely to be found a large number who will vote founl mclallsm Its poll of the Senate shows forly three votes against flee coinage In ad dition to this I claims thcia are six Senators Bacon Baker Cnitery Mc Hrldj Martin ant Wilson whose posi tion Is I tOI somewhat in doubt but who are bclleid to be not unfavorable to sound money The sliver len it says can muster onlv thlitynine votes but this number will doubtless be Increased by two when Utnh comes Into full Slate hood According to the report of the Chamber of Commtficp committee thpie will be thlrtjnlne free sIlver men In the Senate Utah will give two more but against three there will probably be laiHes from the ranks Sonatoi Mills of Texas who was suppobed Senntol to be the AchlllPs of the < silverltes has come out on the sound money side and mOIC other desertions are expected Here is a llt of the free silver Sean tors Allen Bates Barry Blackburn Tlacltburn RIanchard Butler Call Cameron Car ter Chilian Clark Cockrell Daniel DuboIs George Hansbrough Harris Trby Jones Ark Jones Nev Jnrrls Mantle Mitchell Ot Morgan Peffer I Pettlgrew Pritchard Push bach Shoiip Stewart Teller Tlllman noncl pp Vest Voorhpes Wolthall Wairen nlhal Uolcolt Total 39 uv rsur r 1 |