Show I Holmes ArrnlfjncaV Phlln < l61phln Sept 2alleiuln nj 1 I MudgotH alias H H Holmes Wnf al i I HollR I lalgnedbefoie Judge rinlettei I 1 thie I I Court otpyoi and Toimlnei lodaj on nn I Indlctnipnt charging him timur with I hllletmPnt wih thtl I del of Konjqmln K Plolel Rip I J 1894 The pslsnnor pleaded no I ty District Attoiney Grmlllmt 10t c I hint Monday October 2Sth ho flxcA f I I the trial which was stienuoiisly v y I Jected to by Holmess counsel Iud I Klnlctter hot the trial for that day 4 |