Show Another AccounV Mercur Sept 23A dllllculty which resulted in the death of ono i of time plrtlclllnnts occurred yesterday evenIng even-Ing n few miles west oC Morcur on J pphlr clI In IUHh valley E J NOldqulst and George Bates Wele llllklng together nt the formers ranch when I dispute arose which entieti In blows During the fight Hates scu ed a large club with which he lilt Noidqutst over the head producing InJuries In-Juries from which ho died early this mOInlng As Ronn ns the news was received In camp DepLtty Sheriff itimllev went out and arreatcil BateS anti brougilt mum to Mel cur A Comoliems Jury Is I being Impaneled and will go to the scene of the homicide homi-cide this evening clia NOldqul3t wait a man of about 4 ylrs of lre Illll leaves I wife ali eight chllllen He wnR of I quiet peaceable tllllosltlon andltooll wel In the commullty hates Iii oC n quar lclsoml lisiOSitIOtl when drinkIng and one of his biothcis klllod a man In Ophlr Ole some years ago under somewhat similar clicumstnnces and afterward met a violent death I The snow which fell Saturday Is Ills D nnnnnrlnir rapidly |