Show ALASKA LANDOKABBEBS Attempts to Gobble up Town Sites and Water Iionts Reattle VIIMh Sept 22Numcrous attempls are being mil de In Alaska to tlecure valuable land by Ilerversioll oC the act ot Mnrch 1891 Tile law pro vlllel that land for trading and mann fileturllllf purposus may be taken uP l btit the maximum Is Oxed at 160 acres tjttIII tLllt there Is a further ProvisIon that It lie aM neurly sluaro In outline as Is actlclLble Early In the Present year p Svvlneford specIal agent WIIS lit to investIgate lIe Is In this city I his return to Washington D C lid says the traders doing busIness In mall log shacks with about 200 worth C goods arc trying to acquire title to iii tile watr front on a harbor They lecm animated by a desire to take very thin nUll It looks aM though they WIHh to keep everybody on the waterfront water-front getllllg to the build und every hody on the land from gettlll on the water Salmon canners have tlllen III lUnd with a view to Mhuttln out nil futuro PeoPle who might desire to can Imltlloll Ill n particular locality At hlIIlll11 Imo IJeln made to gobble up tovvnoUerunder the piovlsons ot this law I lawSI Paul with a population of about in Is a case In point lamlgrnbbeih are trying to take up the ollllle water flOut all I nlso the S3S PIlllr kllllIed oC one corporation that hall made Ihlrtylivo locations In Vest 1111 Alaska ILt Cook Inlet Kodiak and lsewlur1 They ha1 taken up In the IIU1l1ell or Individuals who were dum tnles |