Show I The Spanish Fork Herald does not deny In Us defccso Wm Creer that he did slinilor Mr Hatch Mr Creer came out 01 the Democratic Demo-cratic Judicial convention ana laid things of tin Kepubllcttu candidate which he would ut dare repeat to Mr Hatchs face All respectable people denounce such methods TOE HEIULD does deny that Mr Utter Blundoicd Mr Hutch Mr Creer line published his denial of the same and we see no reason why his Vtrnclty should be doubted If thc editor of the Enquirer moans to Imply that the editor of THE HKRAII is not rcsplt able became he do s not denounce fuch met hod i when alleged by the inquirer we will compare records with tint genticnnn und allow the public to Jde ofuur rlale l rr poct alltlty |