Show i ENGLAND CHANGES THE MAP Helps HerselF to a Slice of Alaska ImpcrtinLTnlgts 1 Islands and GoldFields I Gold-Fields Belonging to tho United State3 Now Claimed by British Columbia Course of the New Boundary Line Operations of American LnndGiabbcis Seattle Wash Sept 22The statement state-ment published In the PostIntolll Kencer some time ago that the olllelul maps ptepnred by the Provincial flov I orlnient ot llrltlsh Columbia would show the truth of uveiy charge flint has been made In that paper to the effect I J ef-fect tlmt Great Britain Intended to do tt her utmost to grab almost every avail ublo site for a seaport Is I fully con ilrmeU by tho published copies ot the map uf which seveial have been le celved In this oily iliu map beus the legend map of the Province of Bilt lah Coluinhlt complied by dltcctlon oCt oC-t the lion G B Martin Chief Cominls hloner of Lands and Woiki Victoria II C 1833 The Canadian map shows the lit lush boundary claim III a clearly defined broken black line Stalling from the south It touches Pnnn Chacon the Miuiiieriiniosi pouu ui jlinice iu > alel Island nnd runt up llehm channel turning enHterly to a point In Borough bay Thence It tuns noithweslerlj along the summit ot a supposel range of mountains parallel with the general line of the shore but which the American Ameri-can surveyors say does not exist Opposite Op-posite the head of Holkham bay It leaves this mountain range to the east and cuts across Tracy Arm leaving the head of that Inlet In British Teriltoiy I H makes a similar cut across the head of Speel river estuary It also cuts across Tnku Inlet midway of Its length leaving the mouth of Tnku rlvei which o j Is the only available site for a seaport i In British territory while It gives the United States the mountainous shores I toward the ocean It then cuts across I to the point south of Berners bay In Lynn cannl It ruts across that large i Inlet then veers to the southward and crosses Glacier bay near Its mouth 4 then runs northwesterly over the summits sum-mits of the great peaks to Mount St Elias 13v cutting across Lynn canal this line gives to Great Britain Ueiners bay where valuable gold mines are being be-ing developed by American capital and It leaves the Chllkoot Inlet the Sheep creek mines which have recently been discovered by Americans and the Chll koot l Pass which Is I the only practtca Jbo route to the Yukon mines III Brit territory It abe gives to Great the Muir glacier Alaskas llc attraction for touilsts lllS It claims for Great uIUlII lerrltory Ingest I-ngest dlnlnls ot Groat2a4tt claim have come from tho Met t lUlL Indians who some years ago I I1med COm Port Simpson near the i mouth oC York chnnnel In British Co I iUIIlbiU to Annette Jslallll for the ex I IlreS purpose oC becomllllf subJects to lie American Government which hud I granted the Island to them This IHI I Ilnll lies to the east oC Behm chnnnel I I 11111 Is thus claimed by Great Brltalll I while nil previous definitionS of tile I boundary have shown It to be ulldls I IlIIted American territory I The boundary line Is drawn In conformity I con-formity with the British Interpretation I Britain I oC the treaty between Great ovi Russia made In iSj |