Show Democratic Primary The Democratic primary Saturday evening was held in the City lull Instead In-stead of the pavllllon on account of the bad weather There wan but a email number comporitlrely present for the some reason Chairman Chlsholm called the mootIng moot-ing to order and n motion tondjonrii until better wralT was dlscnesed am flnnlyfj j ted fho lurk selecting a doletiuiun of fortythree to tho county convention at Tajson next Saturday wi B fen proceeded w nth and UM ullowliig gentlemen chosen W W Cftisholm W B Hughep 5t Lirspn W 0 Crfrrr S Gardner J UuchBOU W Johnson Wj Creer D T Lowli al I MIokolson A B Scovlll A Anderson total HAt H-At this point a motion was made restricting re-stricting nominations to one from each person presoht until all had been hoard from This was lost utter considerable dlicuaslon and the work 6f selecting delegates went on and these gentlemen wore addrd to the list Dr Wan oar N Hanson E Llewellyn P Neilson J B Mustard It D James J Moore W Harrison G 0 Thomas N Smith T Jones second total 25 An but three ladles were present to attend to the selection of the eighteen delegates which tit Democratic ladles of this city are entitled it deterrn Inert to add nIght mote Rontlaraen to the list which was done after more and rarled motions to adjourn bad been Introduced In-troduced and defeated Thso gentle mOl were as tollos L II Olson T 0 Creer D U Evans A Hues J W Thomas G Hoberteon A Prior J Beckstrom third total 33 Tho ladles then chorea on the delcga tlon were Mesdames Uutcbisou Nell Gardner Emma Rees Harriet TutlK Thomas Davis Mary Beckbtrom Cirolino Pace Dr Warner and Mleses Clara Jones and Lucy Cblsholm grand total 43 Alternates as follows were then Be < 3 lected Messrs J H Thomas J Banks H rr llA V TIinnh nn n rear nod AT Hnghes Mesdames Margaret Money and D H Evans and Miss Jane Howe On motion it was decided to adjourn to Lhnrbdjy cvenliiu at which time to consldr the question of Instructing the delegation The adjourned meeting of the Democratic Demo-cratic soioty was calltd to order in the pHvillton hy Ulialruian Chisholin last uvuniiiR On motion it was decided to iiiHtiuct the delegation to work for a Spanish Fork candidate for either the State Senate or House of Representatives as clrcomstauco might dictate Nominations being called for the following fol-lowing gentlttueu were named by their friends Mayor Larson Hon Wm rvaor v n nmnr N n Smith I L Hale S Brockbauk I Hon Win Creer made a sporch secondIng second-Ing tbo nomination of Mayor Lnrenn and pull un eloquent tribute to tnat scntle nUll honorable record Oa motion a veto by ballot was taken with the following result M Larson 81 Win Creer W W 0 Creer I 12 N Smith 7 trHHklft 8 u r 1 OJ a = 5 Total 132 On motion Mr Larson was declared the unanimous choice of the meeting Adjourned |