Show Ve38t ANS WILL HAVE A NAVY Now Loaded with Arms Heady to the iS Sail from Antwerp terest York Sept According to are In7 orts current among those in Core tf I in Cuban affairs the patriots I Is i V fair way to have a navy be claim rel first of the year that C psltlvely asserted by those who lltreiei bo conversant with the facts level aHa will have the lights of bol fore n4 accorded her l > y Mexico and American be for coat t outh mercan llepiibllcs the coO month has passed Facilities Bamngg stations will be provided for by tl e4ot navy and for all vessels There tHdcr letters of marque Issued which Vials of the Rcpubl of Cuba Tom dt ° 4 1 b ° several of the latter The ta 1 be manned by naval men naiips imi trent countries of CubSent capture of the pOI t oC > lan cu the north coast of tl51111 Is at n I was the initial step in the for the the haibor of Antwerp there armoreD emit a vessel wailing to sail hOtlv rl md of Cuba She is paitlally rlflos r lnd has on uoaiu 2700 lea with bayonets GOOO Mauser nets nij wih 1000 1 11 me nil Gras rllles with svvoul bayo rifles 1000000 cnitildges These m 100000 caliber 05 43callber the same as the cons tin ho by the Spanish troops This aniimiumm selected because the Cubans vessel capture large quantities of solved ild < n fiom the Spanish The EuropeIn offlcPied by mel who have MOl trIr countries yeais In vnilous navies of |