Show Instructed for Hon 0 D Snell The Republican primary Monday evening with bat one dissenting voice endorsed Hon Geo D Snell for the State senate The dletonter urged the claims of Mr Henry Gnrdn Toe meeting was culled to order by Chairman Booth and Gco D Sud Jr elected bnretai Tmi cull was red mid tins u k of electing the delegation of 26 moms < rs to the County convention at Provo Monday commeucrd Tuo del rgptlou la composed of the following ladles and gentlemen u Meaanmes J no finer tioun agog 0 D Suill Altos Jouesi Misses Lilly Morgan and Elizabeth Chambers Messr H Title G G Hale D C Mink ham P Thomas T D Bar T H JarvlH G D Snell Sr J Wilkins D T Malcolm C W Booth P Bradford P Valgereon J Tliorgeirson E Hanson L Jones E A Nellson J T Hale W Green J P Johnson G W Wllkliie t Ten alternates were chosen as t ful lows Mesdames II David It D Sushi and Annie Booth Messrs H Davis G 11 Chambers J Ellis n D Morgan R P Saul A It M Beck J MStull Mr G G Hale end lire Alexn Rnell were chosen as momb rs of the Ccunty U ntral commltee A i motion was made by Mi J A Reet that be legation be InMrucUd to mrk for tlti nomination of HonGeo D Sntll for State senator Mr JOH Will lUiin urttd the claIm of Mr Henry Gardner The vote gave Mr Snell the preference Chairman Graham was present and oflervd n few remarks In regard to orgaulEttionetc but his now lr orn tory failed to wttrm tho frigid atmos tillers of the pavlllion |