Show Bet e of the Dooms With iilciirrH of rcturnhif propper lly ou all el I fes a number of ultra virtuous and coneervativo journals are tnkliR It upon themselves to warn the people against placing dependence on snob evidence says a southern exchange aud above nil thing to beware of booms They are told that all financial depressions depres-sions are the result of wild speculation end extravagance and the people have their own loosentas to blame fcr ell the Ills that befall them It Is perhaps true that the people should distrust all ijgnB of returning prosperity but it h not true that the change lo adversity that occurs every ten years is the result of their extravagance extrav-agance The people who como to grief tn every panic are is a rule those whose ulrcntuinticea oouipcl then to be conservative con-servative The only excuse for charging them with a departure from conserve I thlhmia that when a few ycarsof falily good tlmrs have lulled them Into a sense of cecnrity the wage edrnlug classes attempt to satisfy the longing that potvpseea alt good ctlfeuf to provide i pro-vide noroee Tor themselves In nil Urge towns and cities facilities ate cflered these people to puicluso bomts on Installments In-stallments The man who by strict economy has and a few hundred dnllatp can buy a house and Ipt by pay meat of a moderate lamp sum and a monthly Installment not tiiuoti in uct9s uf the rent with which he otherwise saddled for life Having made the purchase pur-chase he is compelled to pay hU monthly month-ly Installments less bin faulty In the property He may be counted supremely fortunate If he can pay off his h installments install-ments before the next fluuuclal depression depres-sion c men round Uufortiinatoly every salon catclis tens of thousands of who have Invested their savings In thl manner They are thrown out of em oyinent lose thelri eqaitletr with tile svlngs df year and become wuu ders on the faca of the earth wh IB their wives and children too frequently become be-come tbe objects of charily It matters not whether the process of obtnlulugn home Is an above outlined or through a building Hoclety or by any other means oucn to the man or smell Income the remit Is thn same These homeseekero are fair samples of the niHjorltv whose failure to carry out their must noble and patrlotln dA lrvs Hutijuetu them to the charge of reckless kXrhTiieHnup Prosperity end thrift lava breom BviioiijmoiiH with pxtrava finca III the tstlmnUoa of join ndlll and pohticlurid of it curtain contracted call nn > The men of pntilio spirit who devote de-vote their best tiiergles to the develop went ot conditions conducive to prcn Army with which nature bus to abundantly abund-antly outlawed this country ure not nmj1y extravagant but art clops d among the unscrupulous boomeiB It will donbtlewi be wise or all these people to bled the peafllmlstlo wurnlnge ol the nonprn resolve and Inntcad of giving 1lay > l to the energies that bare made the Jutted States what it is they should shun all enterprise and board every dollar until the panic due In 1003 If not earlier Perhaps this should be the polity nhtll the wltacre who are study ing out the causes of financial crises complete their studlfs devise a remndy and Induce the government to adopt it A friend who carries around with him a Semitic cart of cn countenance sagely re uuatke But few pimple renllte the value I of remly LVfih This la a good motti for Dm butt piigrtBslve press Which olioiilil saturate its readers with the iujportiuico of hanging onto the procurable pro-curable cishiltrrlnp the purioils between pinic 1 so that when the pl1lc comes It uiiy not tip charge to tuair extravu gllnce yy |