Show Death in tho Bliazard nawllns Wyo Sept 22rinnk Nev In II lancilniall who hives six miles lIoulllll1J1 of town yesterday morning ntout I 0c1oclt sent hIs two little hos IIgCII 11 anti IJ ii4 out IlCter the 011 WhIch vet IHlllposed to be about II mile Ilwa up n gulch rut bOyS not u1w1uotllc thl mOllIll1g came In allll OtWellt horse niintelv lesponiied They c < > I all lltllflllll I escot t two without Him X lIUII l ClII Y truce of the missing oja 11I1Itlllg undoubtpdlY peilshed In yester who IItOlln 1110 report the Miovv III I1I1Y feet deep hills two tile Thll stage from Snake user last nhl 10 Dcloclt nine miles south o town I1t picked Up one oC Taylor Hoggs IIheophenel lIamed Gray who was ullIg near the roull completely ex hlllll1tt1l and Ilhdltly tr zen When Ill heard the stags UPlirOachlll1 he tIred hIs pistol ID attract he drivels ntten tUrn When the stage stoPlwd he Will 110 numbed with cold lIe was unable to reach It without assistance |