Show Penitents loimicrfeit S Irankfort Ky Sept J3 I Is LIlli JUXeied that counttiftlt luo a 1111 teen made In the Kentuoky enllan Ian Vtmlui George hens no I which ic tooK trim convict Dlllm f Cat lettsburg The denomlnatl 1 d are ilekols dimes and quarters Mrs nnijtry tells how she e to be nurrled liS tallow One uy re cum nto the harbor of HI Helle on UIII ilo of Jersey a mOlt beautlfi fleht 1 not tlie owner of the yacht I flll In i rte vrttlt the vnolit To Ueooi ho mls redS of that jaobt I m fur IN owner t dvard Innlll i |