Show yyIIome lilulonnrlJ The home mitslounrlta of the South district of Utah 8tukn are appointed to preach on Sunday Sept 29 1BOS at the wards designated Provo tat wardS P EggertsoD Jr Oscar Wilkins Provo 2nd ward Wm S Tanner Charles Monk Sprlngville Joseph EL Wilklni Gee U Jex MapUton Dinlel King Win Monk Spanish burkWroll Garduer Jens Jiusei Silfm AVmWignallCharJesLiOlion Payauu JoUdtlittu 8 Page Chuilos Brewer tOil Bfiijainlu D Evans L Holbrook hake Shoro Wm Bratuall M it JollllBOIl tpring LClank Andrew Liregreen Kd ward lt Clank 9titnqumKll 1 B uawklno George Eland OiiHhen JauicU Whitehead A Man Tfitrltig |