Show c 1rrP 0 urimRn Ufiliku Promise to Furnish Thirty Millions In Gold New York Sept 21A special to the Voiki ttim Washington say lie asi 10 isoe and contldenoe of the iisrv oillclils that there will not rio niotlipi bond Issue und that the Treamirv gnld reserve will not again be be soilouly depleted Is expressed by a piomlnpiit Ticasury ollli lal who savs that through the good otllces or Iho bond syndicate promises have been secured from bankers In the iilncipil cities of the country that incase in-case of necessity they can be called upon to place up to 30000000 of gold In the Treasury In exchange foi legal tenders This Important matter has been qulelly negotiated by Mel SIA Itflmon and Morgan during tho last flftpen days and the Indicated result arrived at subsequent to their lust deposit de-posit of gold Ihe reasons which have led to this action are varied but nil tend to the same end On the part of the Administration Admin-istration it is recognized as good politics poli-tics to avoid another bond Issue anil thiow the responsibility and necessIty for remedial action on the Incoming Congress Ir was determined by the President sever I months ago that there would be no bond Issue until after the elections as an Issue pievl OUR theieto would have the effect of stiengthrnlng the hands of the free silver men and the Populists On the sIde of the syndicate the unpopularity of I bond issue has been evident but a more deteirent Influence has been Its desire to avoid any action which would have tho effect of checking the steadily Increasing wave of business prosperity The parties to the present voluntary combination for the protection of the Treasury gcldreserve are almost en tluOy will In the lift of banks that were allowed to particIpate In the ills tilhutlon of the last bond Issue It will bo lemeinliored that none of HIP profits of the syndicate have yet been die tilbutPd nor can they bo until the rate of exchange has fallen below the gold ImpoitliiK point So It becomes essential essen-tial I to the Individual I I I itt eresta of t lie membois of HIP syndicate to nvike the Treasury situation sure In onler that they may pocket the profits accruing under the inoimously Profitable con tract of lust Februniy |