Show lteiuod Bitu to Ogden For the grand ot Utah and the Synod lath 1 Women a liamo and foreign Mission Society Oct 8th 10 litn the Union Pacific I ny Trll make a rato one and onefifth fare cerliflcaia plan from nil stations in I Utah nod Idaho to 0 dii CVniflcalss nil bs siencd bvJlcy J II Barton j Omocra tic County Oonvetlop For the above event ut Payson bept 28 the Union 1aciflc will mnkp a rate atone farefor the round trip billing date Sept 28 Uood returning Sept 20 iatAGRotNT Y N1T Y 1R CIGREET T + Ew llI t 1 ° NE 6V THE FINEST Wl N IA CS 7VRKISH 1ACCQ OJME HIGHEST 3WLLED RKMEN EMDL tED Irt MAKING STN SEjCIdARETTES WSKIMB LL6C TfTe American Tobacco f 0 Successor 01 introit te LiMn We ofter no ipoloRy in placing before you THE LADIES SAri PIIOTKCTOR It U I absolutely abso-lutely reliable caMly I H41me4 l 1 4POH nqt become be-come mlinltced and Insures protection Can be worn when desired without observation VnowUlfte ol nnothtr and prevents dlsaerccabl arnorance under certain conditions If you use It once YOU will never be without It It Is a faithful safe and relUbU friend whenever ipcdrd by special circumstances rcqulrlnp its use It U an article every worqan jiljoiilfl keep ready jnr j linmcfllalp Uja It fa lmpletou use anti YtuWrc conliaence In the woman usIng It It IB 1 reliable and iclentlflcally made Insure protection without Injury to health as any good physician would say We are of the opin Ion that no article has ever been made vruch will give as much satisfaction to the women of today ns TUB TADi 9 SATE 11I0TItCTQU The Immense sales of ihU article la n qubntnn till Inaor emon t fll qud ilulii J6 not thereto I there-to h ril rhWl wlUi miy of the numerous unreliable un-reliable articles as It li both Jang cros < to tho health And rxpenslro to a so ouch expert wanting can oiily result In loss of time disappointment disap-pointment and dismal failure Indies should remember this before ordering other goods and not waste their time and money on Inferior articles The best Is always cheapest Tile SAFE rnoTEcron In I aql4 liitdcn a positive alilC4ntce fw u6 for one year with full directions direc-tions and U Rout scaled In plain wrapper upon receipt of express money order for UGO three for f5 Do not wait but order ut once Address The La Cross Specialty Co La Crosso WlJ Summary Utah Territory Utah county I Spanish Fork City ID the Justice Court Spanish Fork City before be-fore John P Jones David L Malcolm and Wm II Hughes partners part-ners and doing business under the name and style of Malcolm b Hughes 1laintlfls vs George II DaJJcock Defendant To George II USbcock qrefltng Vau aid Leuftiy suiuraonc4 to he and appear before > the undersigned at my office In Spanish Span-ish fortt Cltv Utah County Utah Territory to nnswcr complaint against you Died herein by Raid plaintiffs within ave days If this summons 18 served on you within Spanish Fork City wIthin ten days If served on you outside of said Spanish Fork City but within tho County of Utah and within twentylive days If served elsewhere 5Mil action Is I brought tfi recover from you the sum of t2 Ml the said sum being n balance due on an account for goods sold and delivered at your Instance and request at Spanish Span-ish l Fork City Utah Connty And you arohere by Botltlcd that If you fail to so appear and answer as above required the plaintiff will take judgment against you for tne sum of IftZM nnd Interest thereon at the rate of 8 percent per annum and costs of suit Olven under my hand this 2etb day of August AD 1K5 JOHN P JONES Justice of the Peace Wm D Hughes Attorney gds Abp Winll aex fn IIM mntith niM tn HM nn Un vent as Work almost easy enough for a child i to do Mr J W Nixon noise City Idaho made IJ < l80 In one week Mary Hush Lyons Colo made 17310 In three dB tOY Wm Curtly Aberdeen H Oak mado ill thu fiat day No capital or experience necessary Terms and pamphlets free Address nt once Chepp 8 Co leaf Chestnut HI PhllldelphtaPa 00000 Websters International Di tiolllary Ifit h algabre fa Od 9t School aad1Iof i e New born Cover to Cover Succaiorotht drab dIod1 Standard of the U B aott Print Inft Office the ue hupreme Court and rr nearly all the y Sclinolbookl Wtrtulr com 1 mended by stat i nicrlMtendouti l i M rf Schools and < I other Kilticators M < p inoit wlthqut run tcr I Tit ECST FOR EVERYBODY j OtC cuss It If I easy to find the word wanted 1 1VordimrlT > lrcamclMpL < uw P In lbs Toes tmUiT tacli ens M lInnln1 paz iraph to M to U nxAuj caught bIt sys b-It It easy to nwrUIn the pro ueciaUDn Tlia rronnneluttrrn It i Inilluititd ty the ordinarY iLuCrlUcAllr Inarktil titers uicil In the ichool i school boot xhoH sounds are HUfhl In the yabllo j It Is easy to trace the growth el a word lee f ljmololf i art ccmplelo t idiatlflo and the nUtnmii meanlnii t word hu vxiuind irs rlren m the order of tbtlr growth from Ut root J IdM It U easy to leant what a word means < The de ftlUonl are reit > lldt and lull I tina TitoorepnhcnilTe Lath definition II coaulBM 1IpAlate para apll j I J O cfr C atCBttlAK CO Pnbllibeti SprlnlDeld Mutt U84 of Btwlmen pact arc tent on rrllftl8n er Poit buy cheap npntate of ancient txllttOBl i i RIPANSi Hw I i I uW v Hwa a The modern standard w stand-ard Family Medi is I In cine t Cures the common everyday Ii ills of humanity vtuou Z Q 1 i MAna J I Deseret Gold Mine I Milling Co Oh I BE ANISE3 PORX lNCOttPOHAT D UNDER TUX LAWS OF UTAU Uapibal Stock 500000 With SOOfJOO ShnrDI1 noon frf r fA aaa uU r a ca 100000 Shares ot 1VJINI G STOOE OIE a the said Conipvoy at 86 OENTS PER 3EARE PAR VALUE JOO This Property is LuiiitiMl HUll SitiuUiil ill the GOLD OUNr L Tlf MINING DISTRICT Plate County Utah There ia n Mountain of Free Milling Gold Ore Water and Timber In Abuudi j d ZCssaya 1tv rage S251OO Per Ton DIIIECTOKS IJriglmm D Dargor Pros John Christiansen V Prcs find Tre I J Stewart KitMold Utah I aII Tarlts Ncphi Utah Henry Itosely Secretary Kcr futlcnlnra Address ft DESB AddressJ1HLD MINE 1 MILLIND DD P 071 Spanish Fork Utah I fa A y rr 1m m Democrat m YES I Then yon should rend The Thriccn Weak World 1 ti The leading mocratlc paper of the United i J States The now of the day Is now ol great Inn jortnngTho jDrellmlnsrlti for the atruIII i doatlal campaign of next year hay now begun Who will ba the candldites and what will bo the tlitforms No onecn nj bit the ThrlceaWetk World will desorlbe all the direlnpmtute rjrouptly t accurately and pleturaegrely The ThrlcotWetk World II l lager l than any Weekly or saml wdrhly newspaper putiUshtd fnrn i3hingpgitBen piifis elht commas wldeVvery it I wetk4for one dollar a yoar Comhtnliic rll thefresh iri2 ir j ness and orlspaeai of a dally with the instructive I epochal tcatarei of n weekly I 1 1 J The regular price of the ThrletlWII k WoiP which IB Issued three times a week or 156 times a m year Is IIOQ a year The ThrloeeiWeek World 11 ocd The SpanUti Fork Herald one rear for only 250 cash Injdvanctl i I ARE You Republican l m THATS 801 Then of coarse you trout to read 1 t Thp New York Weekly Tribune 1 1 r2 A twentyiptgo journal ami U the 1Jadivg l Kepulllcsn family paper of the United tatee It is 1 a national family piper and give ul the tnerui news of tbe Uiltod Staten It gins the event of foreign lands tn a nutshell Its AgrIc ritural department i de-partment bu no anpnlor In the country Hi 1 1 r Mafket Raporl8 are reoognlzid authority Scptiiatc J t departments for Tho Family Circle Our Young Folk andSolcnoe and Mechanic Its Home and I Society colamns command tbo admiration of wives 1 12 and daughters Its general political news editorials editor-ials and lifttHaslnas arc comprehensive brilliant X + p and exhaustive A special contract enables as to I offer this splendid Journal and TUB Spanish Fork Herald for nap year for only 225 cash In advance t i w If yii are a PO PUJIST i OR 2 4 I J P o IEITIONIST rj 1 It will do yon no harm to read both of the above See t 1 Address all orders to t I 1 THE SPANISH FORK HERALD t I j SPANISH 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