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Show ( FORTIES, nr BE, vol; ii. FrM Coinage of Silver and Fair Legislation. For ths Advancement of Spanish Fork, Utah County and Utah Territory, and f18 $2 PEB TEAS SPANISH FORK, UTAH, FRIDAY, fejPTEMllKlI J7, 1893. . nr ADYAKCX NO. 2 "a,d he thought Jones of ArFan CUBA ELECTS A PRESIDENT. been destroyed. The loss of the Govthere would p 1,0 financial legislation ernment Is reported as two killed and the seven wounded, two by the comint It Is ' blent Pres lock of aconWlelwIn said that the Insurgents captured. lost more than douVtone and fl ho?r hundred wounded. Helps wouU Bartalo Messo Will Rule the Thirty-Nin- e Senators for Free ever, Congress, that PresUle4LLC,eveJand to Congress Deputy Marshals Resist Arrest recommend in hi Nushvllle. Sept. 23. At aslnsboro, a 650U.OOO.UOO bond buu?f: an th re,lpe Coinage. Republic. near the Kentucky ment uf greenback. " J?" W0,uArJl line, a conflict ha. Short-Weigaruwi between Tennewiee and Kenabout $7 Coin. Shipped dure the circulating Zmpcr&BtJiilets, Islands and Oold Sheriffs tucky 21. The Ro- Claims There is no One Vessel Loaded with Arms Rochester, N. Y having requisition pa-I- T Possibility of a per capita. Ready Fields Belonging to the United chester banks whichSept. of United Statea J.rthe recently shipped to Bail from Antwerp Free Coinage Bill Bossing Either Marshal In 2u0,eu0 and to United States the Insurgents loung in Holmes Arraigneu States Now Claimed by British New York gold Mouse of Congress Conference of Claim to are out 11500. The face Have Llnpley, Heard of a Bloody charged with mur- -, Philadelphia, Kept. J3. Herrtlftn Columbia Course of the New value of the coin which they sent was They reruse to go, fearing they Bilvor Democrats at Memphis Mr. Mudgett. alias H. Battle in Which the If. ."J' Va Lost Holmes, will Spaniards and have their friends ,n of correct, but upon the delicate balances Bryans Boundary Line Operations ralgned before Judge FlnU-tte- r 300 Government Claims Insur- in townnioblicd, snned to resist attempts to f ihe Appeal to the People of Court the (1500 shortage of Oyer and Terminer today on an s. American take them. allowed. Idaho, They art charged with, gents Were Defeated. Indictment charging him with tl m,r killing a moonshiner. dcr of Benjamin F. Pletzd. 8eptem JUDGE MAXWELL NOMINATED. 3, 1894. The prisoner pleaded not Seattle, Wash., Sept 22.' The stateWashington, D. C.. Sept. 23, 1893. ty. District Attorney Gruhuni 7! , u Tampa, Fla., Sept. 2.1.- -A letter reTragedy at Dallas. ment published in the Nebraska Populist Candidate on a The New York World, Dallas, Tex.. Sept. 23. S. F. Wilwhich Is no- that Monday, October 28th, lie fixe! ,,,D'r ceived today by prominent Cuban leadsome time ago that the official nr ers liams states Kansas City shot and that mi the 10th a national Basis. toriously the most unreliable of East- the trial, which was strenuously convention was held at Najusa, at injured hla wire and then killedseriously maps prepared by the Provincial Fremont. Keb., Sept. 21 himself Max- ern Juurnals, publishes a long served Jected to by Holmes's counsel. Jucff wnleh Kartola Mrs. Williams la so seriously Flnlotter set Masso the for was trial tonight. of Hritlsh Columbia would well. who was nominated byJudge that day. elected the lopu-lls- t today, which It states Is the result of wuiimloil ns of to Mar-tulbe (President the a Cuban unable to consent ion for the Supreme court, the canvass make show the truth of every charge that Republic; of Santa I.uda. Minister statement. The cause of the tragedy lea M0NTA1A MINES C0NS3LIDATE. recently made by the New of tins been made in that paper, to the ef- has accepted. He Insists mi accepting York Chamber not Thomas known. The Itepre-aitullof Estrada Commerce were the of t not the as a Palma, couple nomination, but guests "at Populist, fect that O rent Britain Intended to do on a of tlie Government In the a local hotel. basis. He alludes to position of Senators and Representa- Capt. Couch Will Manage the B. & her utmost to grab almost every avail- the impeachment trial, nnd Maximo K.terlor. Goinez, Genera and apparently tives of the next Congress upon the B. and B. ft M. I'hief. Home time ago when dele-le- a Deputy Sheriffs Murdered. able site for a seaport, is fully con will make his position the key-noof were called. Santa I.ut-Butte, Mdnt.. Sept 23. It Is officialBluff. Ark.. Sept. dimed by the published copies of the his campaign. The Impeachment trial money question. It gives tlie totals us was follows: !iitlined as president of the ennven-tlii- n' ly announced today that after October Harris and Stlfft of Arkansas map, of which several have been re- referred to occurred two years ago, A 1st Ruud Free the Bnd Boston and Boston A sliver Republicans, 30; free silceived in this city. The map bears the when several Stale officials wore Impression prevailed that county were shot dead near England, Montana Lonoke was destined AVnlng ver Democrats, 51; free silver Populists. lo lie elected President, county, thla morning. The murcompanies will be legend, map of the irovlnce of Brit- charged with wholesale under one Anunagemeiit, and that os heflasso was born sixty years escaixid. ish Columbia, compiled by direction of Maxwell was on the Supremecorruption. They are surrounded bench be- 7; a total of 88. Autl-fre- e ago at derers sliver, 216, soon os possible the two big a Inxanilln. liy is the Hon. G. U. hi art in, Chief Commis- fore this trial occurred, and rendered and doubtful 53. fxirse, lie however, and will probably connected be M highly companies will be merged into one. C. II. Palmer nil thoroughly educated', lie left sioner of Lands and Works, Victoria, x minority verdict of guilty. lynched If captured alive. Ills Ths amazing gall of the World In lias resigned ns suiierintendent lb C.. 1895." friends Insist that he was defeated for and 510x00111" February 20th lust, and was or lsldered as tlie head of the revulu-tlu- " the Butte A BosThe Canadian map shows the llritish reiuimlnalion at the State Republican commenting upon such a table with general manager In tlie eastern department. boundary claim in a clearly deilned convention by friends of Ihe men on the statement that there Is no possi- ton. and Capt. Thointts Couch of the A MURDER NEAR TOOELE. Eton Boston tana will broken black line. Starting from the trial. manage both of a free coinage bill passing VTHREE HUNDRED SLAIN. bility' south It touches Caps Chacon, the either the Senate or the House, needs companies. southernmost point of Prince of Wales comment. The World places all the Cub ma Eccetve News of a SanguinIsland, and runs up Betim channel, SIX PER GENT PATRIOTISM. no Indiana members f Ihe House, and all UNION 'OF SILVER FORGES. E. J. ary Battle, turning easterly to a point In liu rough but thres of the Missouri members opw York. Sept. 23fl News of a bat-Nordquists Skull Crushbay. Thence It runs northwesterly ito free posed in and Its which table coinage, the a the of were defeatsummit along Spanish supposed range ed 216 votes, there is of the Cubans, and lost 800, was re-- il by George Bates. of mountalne parallel with the general Wall likely to be found line of the shore, but which the AmeriCharges for a large number who will vote for today by President Palma. It In a letter written September 14th can surveyors say does not exist. OpIts poll of the Senate shows forty-thre- e edro Rovlara, a Cuban private Bates Struck His Victim on the Head Saving the Treasury. posite the head of Holkham bay ii votes against free coinage. In adleaves this mountain range to the east deserted from the Spanish ranks with a Corral Foie Deed Occurred dition to this it claims there arc six era Lego, when Campos and cuts acroaa Tracy Arm, leaving the was de-Near Mercur Two Commission Bacon. Baker, CaiTery, head of that inlet In British Territory. Members of the Bond Syndicate B a In later engagement Kovlra Martin and Wilson, whose posiMerchants Held for Embezzlement Jt makes a similar cut across the head captured by the Spanish, court- ceived Their Checks Yesterday and tion Is somewhat in doubt, but who are of 8 peel river estuary. It also cuts and sentenced to receive 400 K'aled the Syndicate Was Dissolved Will believed to be not unfavorable to sound across Taku Inlet midway of Its length, to be shot. The sentence money. The silver men. It says, can Salt Lake City, Utah, September 53 carried out while Rovlra was be no Bond Issue Until After Electionleaving the mouth of Taku river, which muster only thirty-nin- e but Is the only available site for a seaport, votes, this :lng for Cuban liberty. Aa -Banks a result of a quarrel over to Have number Promised will doubtless be Increased by In British territory, while it gives the all San Diego, where two when Utah comes Into full Tji letter says cattle deal, E. J. Nordqulit. one United States the mountainous chorea took Help Out with Thirty Millioni. was Incensed of iooele county's place, the Jbtlon best citizens, lies According to the report of the toward the ocean. It then cuts across the Spaniards, and then goes murdered at his home on agaliS'F Chamber of Commerce committee, to the point south of Berner's bay In Mankln's hard-fouga . t,.,idecrlbe battle. there will be thirty-nin- e ranch, while Ueorge Bates, his mur-- I free sliver men Ing formulated for a Lynn canal. It nuts across that large New York, Scot. 21. The Govern- In was In sick a i'ialntiVn at great hospitalAu-thunder srreat at Mercur. Inlet, then veers to the southward and ment hond syndicate ha. taken action hutthe Senate. Utah wlil give two more, convention in Chicago. It " Internist. Vi escaped to Guantanln In against thrse there will probably crosses Glacier bay near Its mouth, which Is . hilling occurred Sunday evening event that told the dissoluas this a tM in Spaniards Gen. be regarded fjftnal that laiHtes convention, from a,JUu the ranks. Senator !clch, at Mankln's ranch, then runs northwesterly over the sum- tion of the la six miles north of Mercur. syndicate, the Government MHis of Texas, who was supposed to the old parties refuse tj lace a free-- I Jose Maoeo was sick In the C&slnhra mits of the great peaks to Mount St. i- plntforms. shall hospital and had only thirty men with During the afiernuun no longer need of Its services. be the Achilles of the sllverites. sliver thein having plank has Bates, among Ellas. August 30th Maceo heard that others, visited tlie ranch, I'be sent out checks, which cpme out on the sound money side, and nominate Candida'- - for the Presidency I him. men which has By cutting across Lynn canal this were managers were anJ on been and organise him. received by the members of the other desertions are expected. marching managed for several years past line gives to Great Britain Berner's I Maceo so 1898. ln 1 his forces deas cam-11to by an arranged is Here a this All active Sena-torthem Nordqutst. s: list of the free silver yndlcate morning, giving passed the ttm, bay, where valuable gold mines are beth Spanish. On August 31st pleasantly dde1 uPon at today's ses- in the discussion of conlous Allen. Rates. Barry, Blackburn, Tlils was d ffee-ellving developed by American capital, and the profits of the operations of the I iPe conference of quantities at "Pfnlards diluted alcaptured and Blanchard, Butler. slon alcohol. Bates Francis, Call. members of the the CarCameron. It leaves the Chllkoot Inlet, the Sheep syndicate, having Maceo fortified his few men and Nordquist finally began to talk The Question was I n' of creek mines, which have recently been ready received the principal which ter. Chilton, Clark. Cockrell. Daniel. the I house PUtatlon near for lhe meeting by Con- the hospital, trading cows, and late in the evening George. Hsnsbrough. Harris. brought discovered by Americana, and the Chll-kothey had placed in the hands of the Dubois,Jones visited Lo the corral look over some who presented a rew?rT Readily closing In smarf-yckle(Ark.). Jones (Nev.). Kyle. Pass, which is the only practica- managers. The exact percentage of Trby, vnforeemonts came to cattle. Here they began to quarrel, Mantle, Mitchell (Or.). Morgan, Peffer, gr ble route to the Tukon mines, in solution dlln for the action outlined I profit Is not at present obtainable, but Pettigrew, and at lust made the becoming vacate 1 Pritchard. enraged, Buies It also gives to Great It Is Pugh. Roach. above. after alluwlng Shoiip, Stewart. th",it,"nnd Mixed a heavy corral pole . the and struck N'ence today completed the Muir glacier, Alaska's Interestundentbviry that,during Teller, Tillman. Tur-F- l( The the This period on E the head. The blow oriMoney o'clock a. Nurdqulst of the conflicting organ-esente- m. to 9 battle lasted from vf"1' Voortw. Walthall, Warren. consol lie attraction for tourists, of the 'thUjid, crushed managers. his skull. p. m., with one For Wolcott Total. 39. Intermission four I lie ing. It claims for Great The matter . hav- below A per cent hours Noiilqulst lingered, nearly hours. The Spanish did nothin- - of u ftBt. m nt aposed of, the means of'pro--' si m ii ir X XAfritXh pwm.1 etrfu skan' U'errltory. v avnTTVPin lungtjlll L cause advantage, however, and after inurnliig. Aa soon as ho struck the were discussed' at It Longest denials of Great ng their provisions they continued fatal blow. Bates ran to get a hatchet, Banks Promise to Furnish Thirty . laim have come from the educe which with the Intention, be said, of cutting to the mountains, treat Ided that of a Gold. Mr. the in Address Behalf some ago in of Millions years campaign Bryans Indians, who It wa1" entered In scattered groups, off the prostrate mans lieud. He was they the the near first is to the 21. Union. A Bimetallic Fort Simpson, special necessity, and New York, Sept Jnved from u the engagement the Cubans lust prevented, however, from doing this, In British ColYed 10 beBln ulK)n It at Woi W fi am Washington says: The Wuth of Work channel. 23. G. Y. Bryan, was nUMd priy Vnen wounded and killed. The and was luter arrested. Dr. Hykes was exBoise, Ida., the for Sept. of Island, of Ihe the to confidence Annette work lumbia. Bpanli I, :i:'ce and tea, rommltte?nas,nent logt over 300 men. forty horses I summoned from Mercur, hut before his V? becoming nvnsurv officials that there will not member for Idaho of the executive live press purpose of "tore provisions and arrival Nord'qui'st had breather his last, members of eat .e?5cu' II HHi.f which had lias Bimetallic of committee the union, rmed the and issue bond the American Government that three 'mother Df war. P Nurdqulst, the murdered man, had isi fe represented in t. of the organizations Idaho to of an ranted the Island to them. This not Issued the a will reserve people head of 1000 an excellent reputation. Ha was Quiet appeal the at again Treasury gold Pegeda, The National - and lies to the esst of llehm channel, I consolidation. Spank Well provisioned, left San and unassuming, and & careful and lie be serlouxly depleted 1s expressed to contribute funds to assist the work. by Great Britain, anii la thus claimed definitions of the by a prominent Treasury official, who After reciting what has been done ln while all previous be undissays that, through the good offices of other States, he says: I therefore anboundary have shown the bond syndicate, promises have neal to the mine-ownethe miners, puted American territory. conbeen secured from bankers In the the merchants, the farmers, bankers The boundary line Is drawn In Interpretation principal cities of the country that. In and all dtlxens of Idaho to contribute formity with the British Great Bates, who committed the homicide. ure "of Jose Maceo, and asked Britain case of necessity, they can be called to tlie good cause what they feel able make tlielr selections later. of the treaty between than his reward, sending the names of- Is about ten years younger the The president of the consolidated upon to place up to 630.000,000 of gold to give, and aak them to realize and Russia, made in 1828. a hard had He has victim. In always officers engagevance the which will of M. be success, General J. Warner, body In the Treasury In exchange for legal vast Importance considgenerally Though reputation. the disasor to of .resident means National the all, bimetallic prosperity lenders. This Important matter has coward at heart, he was rea ered decome with and will trous which Edthe results will he league, secretary Messrs. A NAVY. garded as a dangerous man when been quietly negotiated by contribute ward B. Light, president of the Ameri- VesztNS WILL HAVE the mine-owneItelmon and Morgan during the last feat. Let let aroused. About twenty years ago a can up Town Sites fifteen each Bimetallic union. General miners It say pay Warner liberally; Attempts to Gobble Fronts. Indicated result Loaded with Arms Ready to brother killed a man at Ophlr and was days, and the until the fight la certainly (vill be one of the representamonths three and Water every deto last their arrived at subsequent afterward himself killed. At Mercur Sail from Antwerp. won; let the women contribute their tives of the league on the executive Seattle, Wush.. Sept. 21In Numerous I he changed his of gold. to 23. comyesterday posit to to committee children Thomas G. school and According Alaska the Merrill York, made of Sept led to this share;to get attempts are being In- - I clothes for a new reasons which have The those current secure can of B. orts EJS Montana see school the among hnd Edward are what land pete by perversion secure valuable inuciiBlbl of tns crlrno D6 I ffictly to the prize for the largest sum raised for this probable member! from the Light in Cuban law pro- action are varied, but all tend Adminunion. almost the act of March S, 1881. The proud and appeared the committed, of On end. sume the manupart and The executive committee of the Nafair way tohaeanaTyb of the good cause; let the vides that land for trading and conspicuous position he occupied, flret of the year. be taken up, istration It Is recognized as good poli- miners compete for the honor of being tional silver committee formulated refacturing purposes Ismay and burial clothing for 1the A conin asre-ted Issue and bond those who 160 to acres. the solutions to let effect the avoid another that Ameritics at the the fixed cause; by first Jn aiding farmer, L sltlvely I but the maximum wnt from tnla city l man I can and Bimetallic with conversant and the peothe and banker it he IJie facts, necessity the the that National throw league the figerei merchant, 1 jere responsibility - an there Is a further provision ae Is The Interment will be at evening. earnwere to union of Bimetallic work lid severs1 have the on the to will outline In all occuimtlons go action of Join remedial Incoming rights requested for ple be os nearly square aid ln with the National silver committee In I fore a1 accorded her by Mexico and Tooele City tomorrow. wactlcable. Early In the present year Congress. Ir was determined by the estly, actively and persistently to to our formulating a plan for holding a No-- 1 for con Nouth American Republics v. fiwlneford, special agent. ws President several months ago that swelling the fund, and prove has passed. Facilities He Is In this city there would be no bond Issue until Eastern sympathizers that we are In tional convention to nominate a Presl- - I fj,e te Int investigate. Another Account. dentlal ticket. Upon a platform with uiiineulz stations will be provided for Fi issue previ- earnest ln our desire for true bimetalan as his return to Washington, D. C., the after elections, which sole Mercur. the for vessels in Sept. 23. A difficulty "rethe business . all for providing and lism plank lot navy ud says the traders doing ous thereto would have the effect of by the of one of the death resulted the to in In of held a 1200 worth silver be storation Issued constitutional of every about letters ask that free-silvwith I marque meetings jider shacks .mall log There strengthening tlie hands of the town and precinct in the State. That place In tlie currency of our country which iclals of the Republic of Cuba, partlclimnts, occurred yesterday even,f goods are trying to acquire title to men and the Populists. On the each mine organize a com- wHhout awaiting the action of any from d? all be several of the latter, ing a few miles west of Mercur, on and every U "he water front on a harbor. They side of the syndicate the unpopularity mittee to solicit aid for the cause. That other nation on earth. 111 be manned by naval men Ophlr creek. In Rush valley, eem animated by a desire to take of a bond Issue The been evident, but E- - J- - Nordquist and George Botes It was further resolved that if the Banes,' school In Idaho shall offer a first, countries. they a more detei rent has every everything, and It looks asonthough Its been has Influence were and Bimetallic the Bimetallic to scholars water drinking together at the former's the league the of third second and wnture mt prize u1 wish to keep everybody when a d lsput. mom. whteh to avoid any action which would who shall collect the largest sum for union shall fall to Join in the move- - I thlwand desire everyand of the land, to the norihroast from getting v was I ended In blows. ment by November 1st of this year, the r During the fight isates the I of cause. effect on the have steadily the In checking suggest the initial ths atpn and from this good land getting on great the body club with which he hit silver committee shall I , nf Antwern there secured a large up increasing wave of business prosperity. that contributions be sent to Hon. President of thebeha mharlmr ln- water. Salmon canners have taken f f that rBanlla' armoreDvent a out all The parties to the present voluntary Charles Bunting. State Treasurer, who tlonalone!1 imfi Nordquist over the head, produring thl- land with a view to shutting 1,8 d,ed BheiSUtl-U- y a Crt? can Is to of the desire see for money the promptly the combination will that who protection might future people body rl are almost en- placed and receipted for. ' :ind has on board 2700 lea- Treasury 6. salmon In a particular locallty. a8 th(, nPWB waa received In Capt. 8. I. Hlnilo, who read a ptiner rifles, a, I with bayonets. 6000 have been made to gobble up tirely will in the list of banks that out t nets, llritish association the before lhe other townolte under the provleoxie of thin were allowed to participate In the disday on rennlliala, saysInthat all the races I are all lavr tribution of the last bond Issue. It will SILVER DEMOCRATS MEET. Africa practice rifles u on the Kongo basin about of a the same as tlie II , Coroner's Jury Is being Impaneled, population BL Paul, with be remembered that none of the profits annibnliam, nnd that while It Is prevent- caliber This case a in point. disIn some purl Ions by the while civili- I constaif lieen Committeemen ed 500, is have to Solicit the of yet Conference syndicate K0 t0 the scene of the homlan(I W I selected because rooi1;, the entire water In outer portions of the basin it I ammuiH zation, are trying to take uplownstte. rate lie until the nor can States. tributed, cW(, thx evening. they Different ' for The Increase. on Ihe the i also an 49 front below the Nordiiulst was a man of alwut thatn of exchange lias fallen P. T. Sherman, youngest son of the late vessel learned of one corporationWest-erMemphie, Tenn., Sept. 21. The meet a wife and years of uge, and leaves point. So It liccomis essenricn. William T. Sherman, lias political served locations In called lenders sliver bod made thirty-fiv- e Democratic of He was of a quiet, of Interests to the children. Individual tial the Ing lias announced himself a lie eight ambition, and Kodiak European Inlet, Alaska, at Cook well in for one of the New York pfuraAble (lisiikOBUlon. andIsstood up in the members of the syndicateInto make the to put In practical shape the conclu cumltilntedistricts, M01" elsewhere. They hail taken were of a quarand hns secured the tlie community. Bates order Washthat situation held sure, dumat conference of who Treasury alone the Individuals, of names . of Oen. Wag"r Hwayne. relsome disposition when drinking, and SPANISH VICTORIES, they may pocket the profits accruing ington last month Is In session here. tupimit The widow of Prof. Huxley receives a I Bloody mies one of Ills brothers killed a man ln under the enormously profitable con1IUl of of Harris Senators pension are There present Ophlr some years ago under somewhat 300 of of an last Army tract of February. mpaign Havai of Arkansas, W. Death in the Blizzard. (,lmnar drcumBtances. and afterward Jones and Tennessee, Men. SILVER HEADQUARTERS. Nev-- , met a violent death. Mercha -Fra of the Illinois nk chairman the south so from blew II. hard Hlnrichsen, Wind Sept. Wyo., 23. of Rawlins, The Association sept. commls11 The snow which fell Saturday Is dismile one day last week that Link river. State Democratic committee; Governor lias in, s ranchman, who live oix Clerks appointed Bea of themsel rapidly. Lively appearing Controversy yesterday morning Oregon, went dry from the falls up to Stone of Missouri. Hon. Casey Young Subject to collect muney among new ert tween the Leaders. , little boys, the tipper Klamath lake, a distance of of Memphis, and several others of less Xut JoTlocU 13sent his two a to island the on purchase Drunken Negro With a Razor. Innuri years, out after the about one mile. The water on the lake note. need 11 and Chicago, Sept. 20. The Poet says e about to be messeni on between Is were the row northto supposed toward Is the the which of blows lively I up prominent meeting rows, The chief object frequently s captured and T,VY a 8young Mulatto HenrylIDudJe". boys not ern idvncntes of free silver now In (rntcogo ato Cala1 away up a gulch. The end, until Its outlet becomes dry. a mile a chairman for the different over womayn. appoint In and murdered train came waa today by Mack wh.0ne!ief,!r.rOaTtklS I the location of their headquarters. morning this .jtDouglas, Sept. 20. An encouragingIn Sts tea, who are to organize the silver ,ir, u a colored plumber, who af-They twenty horse- - strike Warner and In Messrs. the Sibley of copper ore lias been made early to the to view Isabella a of from civil with Sagua. rapturing lilng ended his own life by cutting They the mountains south of tills place by forces flai.ly refused to lend their they ret Miistely responded. repulsed by a detachment his throat. Simpkins was a widower delegations to the National Demlid to a movement to shift the returned except two. without Miror. Klalaiiell and Hazen. An nessy State a five dead when with three children, nnd had been very seem The leaders left store and convention. rds, ocratic from Washington West, while manded trace of tlie missing bojs. of samples pent to Denver yields $69 in d. Led. They also plundered a this result, a to Mrs. Dudley. Her "undoubtedly perished In yester-Sly-Ins copper and 63.35 In gold to the ton. the hopeful of accomplishing strong element demanded that the and he The column com-lCo-l. attentive who k.iulba. the Hlnrichsen. snow says who Is a truckman, the city dogthe storm. They report fire being from s prospect hole about particularly of the South and doubtful movement be centered In the territory at the r. reIn went Oliver pursuit, citizen, and a prosperous catcher Democracy supiu chief receives its from which two feet In depth. The find will be he overtook them of themr his to wife, that rts mnn-are attentions for free In Yt'cst t(1(l last silver, river the to states night ,he Hnd men, The ,l,Jp,tag fromnake south of towu, thoroughly prospected according Chlcsgo port. developed. t. at Ion of Adclu, killing two ftnfl f(;r ft Ume 11)e latter refrained from . and will vote for It nest election. He Himmon report, undertook to effect a toGen. nine miles I retur.e ij o'clock, This morning he Ditcli. one of Taylor A llogg s reiterated his former declarations as compromise by miming Chicago as the Water seeing Ihe women. woman Ontario The up Officln In the street ampos Is hourly expected Sheep-herdt dru,lk, mPt the named Gray, who was - The big ditch to bring water from to the policy and purposes of the Ad- ieat of the sliver war, and developed here of this point. cut her throat with a razor. Ho snd completely ex- Irlund and Prlnhall lakes to the On- ministration. Cleveland, he 1 said, nltter opposition' fram both sides. which laying near the roadfrozen. received been Kiris have When he kilk.d Himnolf. hausted and slightly Spain about Duly and Daly-We- st now mines has would bring on a war with trouriy L Important engagement fired tario. Nothing to do with Bonds. liesrd the stage approaching he attenIs for Cubs, and eventually with England. and -' been ready dlsasr.nmmaif completed have to resulted id his pistol to attract the driver's wus .he piping, which will soon begin to This would give him sn excuse to call Civil Service for Consuls. Washington. Sept. 21. Secretary and 7,urba. : insurgents. The columns President, tion. When the stage stopped he to arrive. is fourteen feet for a big Issue of bonds, and rivet the Mrs. Carlisle npft today for Marlon, combine The ditch Sept. 23.-- The MaJ. , Wnslilnglon. Teurel and Lieut. Ihy was unable so numbed with cold he ,H.MUed V,dtt,J. In places, and Is a good piece of gold standard of the country, and beMnss., where they will b guests of the forest a 300, by a series of by executive deep ring assistance. the Is sides clear the way for a third term. reach it without As soon as the feedpl work. nmlly of Assistant Secretary Hamlin. eongreg: vements concentrated In a dated Scptcinlier 20th. hasmodified form in a will Che Secrelnryi undoubtedly plueed and boxed n strong dam will be that the an Insurgent band I civil service system silver loaders remained In conferThe night Is lower end of Island lake, ence until lute this afternoon, when It he President, kvlinsc summer home and me The reimrt says to nit consular officers whose compenplaced nt the there. Silver Lining at Denver. which It I calculated will raise the was announced that their deliberations only a short dliiinnce from Marlon, hut took fllg field hospital sal kin. directly or tbrough fees, ranges their lured I, 23. first The presentaDenver, Sept. 62500. Vacancies In the surface of the lake from twelve would not bo made public, as the exe- It Is authorltaltively stated by the the Insurgents - from 81000 to filled W while tion of Fitzgerald Murphys new entire hereafter by transtwen- service will be lo fourti-efeet, thus greatly Increasing cutive committee hud not been coin I'reusnry i them behind oi' meeting days' the Laving that incut American social play, "The Silver of The question of title beoc the II. Aa a result of three fer or promotion, by appointment emvlll have noth ig whatever to do with I to hove The deliberations of the lead Lining on any Western stage, to- tweensupply. the Ontario company and Messrs. pleteil. la horses t ns the Insurgents are said statement qualified persona formerly in the honil Issue, he further terminated this afterIn this era i rurred at the Rroadwsy beaterd city and by Newell and Shields has been adjusted thirty-seve- n killed, fifty ploy of the State department made that no nnd Issue Is In contem night. Immensely plcsslng a of persons selected by concerned, and noon. forty saddled horses the appointmentafter The free coinage arguments to tho satisfaction of laallnow house. Interview ;ilutlon. Senator an In tonight an perfected. passing mners. The forest is now the President worked out liy dialogue and plot were ths company's right ents and their camp hna received. CHANGES THE MAP enthusiastically A second company is to be organised here to play The Silver Liningin the West, and another at Chicago to go while the East, present company will Herself to a Slice of play In the South. The Intention le to secure castes of the same suiierlor Alaska. strength for the new organisations. ENGLAND POLL OF THE SENATE. ht sub-treasu- ry Land-Grabber- - Non-Partis- Gov-rlme- an nt i In-jVI- ve . non-srt!s- -I "I te 1 2J.-le- puty Streets ". d. Wc-Rrld- a. t pro-poo- ed ht . at j--nd fori fv er a.uiA,-j-lUl- ot r" 'i n. Ilrlt-terrltor- y. d. ujiiig-wc-aiM- S M-Ji- I tla 1 I- 1- It-t- rs, stabra LAND-GRABBER- S. rs mine-owne- rs V- i ' th er -- At-tem- pt grid-reser- ve telsriM 1 Land-grablie- , re rsa. 1 gold-importi- 1 -- I I''' n hesd-quarte- tn-war- d rs nus-linn- er ty-fo- n well-fille- . |