Show SILVER DEMOCRATS MEET Conference to Solicit Committeemon for Different States Memphis Tenn Sept 21The mecl Ing of nemociallc silver lenders called to put In practical shape the conclusions conclu-sions of the conference held at Washington Wash-ington last month Is In session here There are present Senators Hanls of Tennessee and Jones of Arkansas W H Hlnrlchsen clmlrman of the Illinois State Democratic committee Governor Stone of Missouri Hon Casey Young of Memphis and several others of less note The chief object of the meeting Is I to appoint 0 chairman for the different States who are to organize the silver forces with n view to cipturlng the State delegations to the National Democratic Dem-ocratic convention The leaders seem hopeful of accomplishing this leault particularly Hinilchsen who sayii tl nomocracv of the South and douhtfu Uates In the West ate for free silver anti will vote for It next election lIe reiterated his former declarations ns to the policy nnd purposes of the AdminIstratIon Ad-ministration Cleveland he said vould bring on a war with Spain about Cuba and eventually with England This would give him an excuse to cal for a big Issue of bonds and rivet the gold standard of the country and besides be-sides clear the way for a third term The silver loaders remained confer once until late this afternoon when It I vva announced that their deliberation would not bo made public as the executive exe-cutive committee hud not been completed com-pleted The disinflations ot the leader lead-er In this city tcrmlnalcd this after noon In an Interview tonight Senator = I Jones oC Ar kansas saId he Ihoulht silo no financial legislation there iItIh1 llglslntlll hy the omln Congress owing to thti lack ofnccoru betwecl the President anti Congress 1 e had no doubt how erCtfflft T esW Cleveland would recommnd In his mrao to Congress 0 500000000 bond IRic and the retro meat oft greenbacks would Ie duce per capita th5 circulating lJelhln about 7 |