Show aseaalgw TERRITORIAL TOPICS I Ogden nntlclpatoa the election ot u tabernacle next year nearly us large us than Salt Lake stiuctuie The line shade trees of Logan wore greatly dntniiKcd h > the snow the streatH litlnir strewn with lunnchos and I men trunks of trees I i Two llobrr boys l LevI OleRtf ana Charles Cummings pleaded utility sf It t potty larceny and vute given thirty j and rortyflxo days lOHiiecttxelj In the I Vasatch Jail Charles Nudenc In Commissioner Somineis court on the > Llnl WHS lined J25 and fcdsts being eflnvIetcTU of bat lory on the person nf Hogan llnnstn ut I South Jordan Young men are getting to the fronts s In Utah Five who lme nthlevcd no o torletv In one way nnd nnothet were k nrtnlgncd before Judge King at 1ioxo who me scarcely out of their teens An free as sitter ° IH u common expression I ex-pression but D Smith evidently lands It not so free as It might be On Hit complaint of D M Motion he was attested at-tested on the 23rd charged with stealing steal-ing water from Big Cottonwood creek Mine Inspector lliiwllngs Is defendant defend-ant In a divorce suit brought against him by his wife Mm HawllngH alleges al-leges ilcsettlon and cruelty and prays for the custody of the children and permanent alimony The storm did much damage In Utah both to tlptnlng fruit and milt tree the added weight of the snow being too much Cot the latter The slot in was Koncial rant west to cast anti I swept ncioss the continent iSelectmcn Herman Ilamberger and J II Mot rrls of Salt Lake county were Indicted by the gland juty tierce against the former and two against the latter FelOn Is charged each of the Indictments Voter Clark who murdered henry Nugent at 1aik City last week was held without ball It appealing Rant the evidence of witnesses to the Killing thai them wan no ptoocatlon lie has been landed in the pen The complaint entered bj Its Wood mansee of Ogden suing tar a divorce ftom her bus btouI has been withdrawn and domestic harmony restored The return of Mr Woodmaiisee titter an absence of some time caused his Ties repentance and thus effected the hap py result Martin Ilaykon the chief actor In the alleged tutu ittuu ftauds who has gained unsought natty let of late left for his home in Denver without much pomp or ceiemony whore he met the manager of the Andrew Furniture company com-pany It Is hinted that be may forget to icluin when bis trial Is culled At Provo the 20th Will I Knight assaulted as-saulted thin badly Utilised Professor Davis of the Utiglmnt Young auudemv Knight claimed the teacher had imn Ished a girl with a stick Mr Davlit sold lie Just upped her to attiuct hoi attention The case will he ventilated In Police court at Provo Bert Gamble an employee of the Fisher Brewing company was attested on the 23rd I by the came commisslonei and having In his possession font mlin It was selfex Idenl that he had Pointed Po-inted the game law lie was ought before CominlbFlonoi Sommeis and a pleading guilty paid 10 Including costs for his sport Dr John It Iailt and Dr Karl G Maeser have mutually agreed that In order to Keep out ol politics the olllce of Supcilntondeiit of Public Instillation for which they me contesting candidates candi-dates neither will go on the stump this year Judges Kane liartch and Mlnei Itepubllcan nonilnoen have also decided not to make a political cam ass Hoy Dunce S years old son of II > mm Dunce of Logan fell while climbing to reach a high shelf In the stoeroom a short time ago and In failing struck b tmlh11 ull IL b ICI u 3d l m tho coiner of the oven door causing complete obstruction of the bowels An operation for Itn removal was performed per-formed but unsuccessfully and the boy died diedMlllnrd Progress A couple of gentlemen gen-tlemen left last week for Nephl to purchase pur-chase a large bill of building material from Grace Hros for a house one of the gentlemen is erecting When they reached Nephl you may Judge of their surptlso when they found they had left their bill of lumber nt tent and took with them a Sundayschool report by mistake In Its place Chairman Hasbtouck of the Peoples patty State committee has uddiessed n challenge to Chairman Powers oC the Democratic committee to have the ret re-t < candidates of the two patties for Governor and Congressmen meet In joInt debate Chalininn Powers replied re-plied claiming that he like Uatkls was wlllln on the conditionthat the lUipubllcan candidates also be Included In the dell of the Populists A twojeaiold daughter of Louis Hnlvoisen of IIyrum was brought to Logan the other ovenlng with a needle she had sallowed sticking In her throat It had lodged some distance down and Dr Snow found It dilllcult to extract The little fIll was glen chlorofoim as uhc was too badly lightened to remain perfectly iulet duilng lire operation A Logan man named Sorcn C Peterson Peter-son while crossing a bridge leading Into In-to lilts iemlsta In the Fourth ward the other day wan thrown from the load of wheat he was hauling and both wheels of the wagon tan over his left I leg above the knee breaking the Lose and badly laeeiatlng the Heal Dr Snow net and diessrnt the limb but iccovu will pinbabh be slow as Mi Peteipon Is 71 years old Richard Vutcrs writes from Park I City that the Dlek Wntoio described asa as-a Park City miner and who was rabbet of a watch and nftcrwaid lined In Police court In Salt LaKe Is n icoundtelly Impostor whom he wants piosecuted for falsely peiwiiuitlng him he and his uon me the andy Iwo men of that name In the Pink and the > have not been In this city foi several months T I S Panott of the advanced age of 81 years was the xlclim of one ot the llghtntueiod gentry on the Jltd A street nc < ualnlunee whose pane Mi Iauott newer icuneil enptg il tin old man In home absorbing topic of con xeisatlon and then touched him far Ills limepiece rue 1 watch was an old timer of small IntihiBie value Thp police ale now seal chillI for the ilei pprndo whose nerve pei muted Filch I recklefff IndlKcietlon as the iobbii v of such u young and active man Cache counts agtlculuital fall r vas snowed In I Two girls Kitty AndeiBon and I Uli > Thomas both under 1J yeas of age were brought befote the 1ollrt couit of Salt LiKe City on HIP mid harI l with prostitution Tho girls denied the I charge but the evidence was conclusive conclu-sive and they were committed to the care ot the Home for the FrlenJles upon the solicitation of Mrs Paddock who xolnnleeied U make an effort to secure their admittance to thai ltifll Inllon Other girls who are thought to belong to the same cllqite of which Lrzle and Kllly were the lenders me being looked out for and the police nip determine I to entrap them and wipe nut as far as possible the Influences that ate ruining so nmnj young gills and wrecking homes Provo Inquirer Word lilts been rev cclxeil fiom Arizona of the killing 1 of ntigen Halllday by John Hunt at that 1 place Uolh men arc well known In this city having previously tiHided lure Mt Hnllldny has iclntlves In Snntnquln and John Hunt will be re nienilieied by thc people of Provo an a painter having lived al the Allman hour this city for n number of years The killing 1 oilgltlutod taught Mr IIu llday kicking Ml Hunts dog hereupon here-upon he was slapped by the latter Friends Interfered anti stopped a fight and Hnlllday started to tide iiwjiy Hunt threw u lock at him while he was leaving amid Hnlllday got from his liaise and returned the compliment Hunt then pulled 1 a gun nnd fired which resulted In the kilting of Mr Hnlllday Urolhets of Hunt furnished him ball to the amount of 3000 The culling of Umber on the publlo domain has uluajH been a matter of strife anti contention and periodically till loxeminent agents hairy the Inv hahtlnntH with ventloull stills Dial amount to little ot nothing The effort ef-fort has been usually lo enforce the Inking out of permits c v falling that the collection of stunt age at the rate of 75 cents per 1000 feel of lumber cut A spasm of activity Is now on and some Fawmllls In Sunpete county near Falrvlow are charged with cutting without a pet mil and of thirteen so chatgpd all have applied to pay till penalty late of 75 cents if they had taken out pet mils they would have had to pay nothing so long as their product prod-uct was not sold In Utah Col Anderson Ander-son the lov eminent agent has le tolved a petition for clemency from one violator of till law who admits cutting three million feet of lumber on Got eminent lands without a permit and Is now willing to pay the penalty late which will cost hint J250 |