Show A Weather Wis CntfiO II The recent soil ware affected different people hi different ways but vte hope that tho Bomowhnt cosmopolitan family ut the Doyack hotel In this city wero the i only ones who became unduly jocoeej I during Its progress Four > indict i f I snow In September Is no cause for I mirth VTe will remark ut the outset that when the coast Is clear and the wInd favorable the editor hereof poves as a wubthor prophet Wfl found Fridays winds very chilly though certain worldlyminded Individual from the postoffice and the machinery depots blandly assured us to thin contrary When we predicted anew they were amused and ordered Icewater for supper A U P agent said our blood win thin and that we were a tenderfoot After supper Doc guessed hed go Into the kitchen a moment toseetht girls whither the U P agent hid pact pa-ct ded hIm We wero cold and WHIt to the die to get warm Hanson wasnt cold but ho went with the crowd Now in the Boyack muse kitchen they bare AH Improved cook atovea ra age we think they Call it rlgced with a refrigerator refrig-erator attachment so that they can make beefstsak and Icecream with the one fire Lawson was baaklug in smilesDcc and the chief culinary artist were hovering over the beefsteak division tUII leaving us the refrigerator section We stood by it for a whllo and absorbed so much cold that His Boyack said she would have to make hot cakes Instead of Icecream for breakfast Then thy all chipped in and laughed at ui In a heartless tone ot voice We are not a revengeful creature but we figure out that wo are even wit the gang it watching them shiver while they complained of the beat and hinted that our blood had been watered likeho aleck of a transAtlantic railway cor porailoncounts for anything On Friday bight Hanson went to bed early and i slept tho sleep ff the jnlltor us much of It m Is allotted to a wagon peddler aud was comfortable with the window open and one thin cjvorlot over him When he awoke Saturday morning and discovered thn liberal Hupply tine beautiful which had accumulated during the night he felt cold fresMitjr ho felt colder and sent In a requisition for bedclothes bed-clothes Than he sent for mire bedclothes bed-clothes and longed for n 1 Ore When the time came to stroll up to the Boyack house for breakfast he could shiver audibly aud-ibly lu four languages aid three din Jeote It wouldnt do though to be otherwise other-wise than jocular in the presence of the editor as he and a aalf frozen Individual Individ-ual from the irnltst shop across the street remarked as they stood atound and jammed paper Into a heating stove Dns first the door of When LHIv U1OV stepped to 1 11D UUU1 Ut the letter store and litai jad upon tho white expanse of Main street he shivered a llttln as pr instructions in the Untied State postal guide went back Into his lien and put on ail the eloihea ho could find Then ho wnnt across to wait for the breakfast bell and help Hanson lay for us f When wedesceudtd the Brand staircase stair-case ot the Boynck house Inwardly anathematizing Utah lovely Italian tittles through which tins ot cold damp enow are unexpect dl ly preoplt those two began a series of trHlf1 mark about the weather For te tin utes they took turns preCIPltAI Tarlcatlng about the nine monthsbt < land l-and three months lute fall wit c ffe dont have have here This they I said was the beginning of tile Into full and we began to sigh I for Wisconsins lovely Indian summer Then they drank Jcewatcr for breakfast break-fast aud more Icewater at dinner Just before supper Hanson went to the kitchen aud arranged to have Mn Royack bring him a cup of hot coffee by mistake He wasnt cold but Doo still calls for Icewater and doesnt permit per-mit himself to think theft tills Isnt August weather Shortly after dinner Saturday rumor was current to the effect that Station Agent Lawson In attempting to come to dinner on his wbeel had had a wreck that a section crew was attending to his case and that a wrecking train bad been ordered up This was a blamed I lie The facts of the matter were that > he started to come np on snow shoes and foil in the mud jest beyond the Rio I Grande tracks Fla used his spectacles as a heliograph to signal a farmer who came with a punt aud tlslied him ont He reported for duty at the Uojack house in time for tbe Sunday dinner |