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Show FRENCH TROOPS . EXPEL GERMANS ' FROM POSITIONS PARTS, March 22, noon. The Germans made energetic resistance to the ' French last night between the Pomme and the Aisne. but after spirited fighting north of Tergnier the French forced them out of several strong positions- The French occupied a number of villages. The villages vil-lages are situated to the north of Sois-sons. Sois-sons. They were carried In the face of determined resistance by the Germans. The statement follows: In the region north of Tergnier wo enlarged our positions east of the St. Q uen tin canal after spirited fighting and expelled the enemy energetically from several important defensive positions. posi-tions. South of the Olse and north of Solssons we also made progress during the night, occupying several villages in the face of considerable opposition on the part of the enemy In the region of Vregny. We made a surprise attack north of Berry-au-Bac, which enabled us to take prisoners. Several attacks on small French posts east of the St. Hi (aire-St. Souplet road, near Fon-taine-aux-Charmes, In the Argonne, and in the vicinity of Caurieres wood, were repulsed by our fire. Elsewhere "the night passed In quiet. |