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Show SMOKE COMMITTEE CALLS FOR ACTION Urges City Commissioners to Act Under Ordinance Bcccntly Passed. In a motion adopted by the smoke committee of the Commercial club yesterday yes-terday the city commissioners were urged to hasten the appointment of a smoke commissioner, as provided in a recent ordinance or-dinance passed by the commissioners. The ordinance provided for a salary of $1800 a vear for the smoke commissioner, but the commissioners havo thus far been unable to find a man theoretically and practically adapted Tor the position who would agree lo accept it at the salary specified. The smoke committee was organized yesterday. Frank "VV. Jennings was elected chairman and James H. Movie, vice chairman. Th0 committee also considered a proposition prop-osition submitted to them by tho stationary sta-tionary firemen of the city. The firemen aro asking that a rlty ordinance be passed requiring all stationary firemen lo be licensed. The smoko committee In Id the matter aside until the next meeting. |