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Show BIKERS AND SKATERS IN EXCITING RACES At Murray last night Mumford and Sherman, on skates, again defeated "Musty" Crohn, on a bicycle, in the one-mile hnndlrap. Crebs fell at tho bell lap, Munvford and Shurman had a half-lap half-lap handicap. Carl Sohmortz bent Casey lit strnlght heats in thn onc-mllo bike race. Olsten of Murray defeated O. U. Schmerlz In two straight licatn. Orsten had a half-lap start. Sclnnnrtr. rode the thirty laps (ono mile) lit 1:01. Tho record Is 1:00, held by Albert Crehs. Tho fcaturo event for next Wodncsduy night will bo a ono-mlle rare between Willie SmaU. champion fknlcr, und "Musty" Crchs, tho latter riding a bike. Breaks Bowling Records. MINNEAPOLIS. Fob, IS. F. Fauton of Omaha tonight broko all bowling records In tbo history of the International Bowling sseoclatlon. when in a slnglo match ho tolled n total of C93. The game, howi'vor. In which Fanton rolled was a fipeelal ovont and tho count will not appear lu tho official figures. l'anlon's scoro by game was :37, 211 and 'J17. Drouillard Beats Brown. By liitenmtloiial Newo Scrvlco. WiTROIT. Mich.. Feb. lS.Pat Drouillard, Canadian lightweight champion. decisively df-frati'd df-frati'd "Knockout" Browrt of New York In their eight-round engagement In Windsor. The, Canadian Cana-dian won every round with the exception ol the fourth, lo -n Iifcli honors were oven. Zbyszko Defeats Roller. By International Ne.ws Scrvlco. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Feb. IS. Stanislaus Zbyszko, Zbysz-ko, malting his first appearance this year lu America, defeated Dr. Holler In straight falls here tonight, uilng the, toe hold In both falls. The flrat fall came at tho end of ono hour and rlx minute wrestling. Tho second fall lasted twenty minute. |