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Show NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by tho undorslgned up to 1 p. m. Saturday, March 7th, 1914, for furnishing and Installing In-stalling the electric lighting fixtures In tho Central building. University of Utah, at Salt Lako City, Utah, according 10 the plans and specifications of same, prepared pre-pared by Cannon, Fetzer & Hanson, .associated architects, and open for the inspection of bidders at their office. 506 Tcmpleton building, Salt Lake City, Utah. All bids will bo publicly opened and read at the abuvo time at the Dcserct National bank. In said city. Each bidder shall Include In his proposal pro-posal a statemunt of the tlmo required by him to comploto the work. Tho undersigned reserves the right to rejoct any and all bids, or lo accept any bid It may deem best. All bids must be addressed to tho .University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Utah, and marked in tho lower left hand j corner "Bid." Bids must not contain conditions, qualifications, propositions, or things other than are called for; alj bidders i must uso without change Jho form of 1 bid to bo obtained from said architects. No other form of bid will bo received. Each bid must be accompanlod by a certified chock In somo bank In Salt Lake City, -Utah, for at -least G per ent of tho amount thereof, payable to the undersigned. un-dersigned. The amount called for by said chock 13 to be forfeited to tho University Univer-sity of Utah If tho bid accompanying It Is accepted and tho bidder fallB to outer Into tho contract and furnish the required bond wllhln fl'e days after its acceptance. The ouccossful bidder will bo required to furnish a satisfactory surety bond for CO per cent of tho amount of tho contract. con-tract. Tho form of contract and bond aro at the offlco of tho architects for Inspection. Inspec-tion. UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. 02252 |