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Show MiEli SEDM iniSMIlil i "The prettiest car in Ihe show" is what hundreds of visitors have already christened christ-ened Hie handsome! Sedan which is the center of attraction in the big exhibit oi tho Studebaker Bros, company of fifth. Unquestionably it is one of Ihe prettiest and most luxurious looking cars in Salt Lake. It has made such an Impresslo: upon a number of prospective buyers tha it Is probable that there will be scvcra of them In Salt JLokc this year. Tho Studebaker Six Sedan, as the car is officially named in the literature. ii a close tvpe with roomy accommodations for five passengers. Its interior Is a ver- itablo parlor on wheels. It has all of Mte beauty of the electric vehicle and underneath un-derneath Its hood a slx-cyjlndcr engine that is guaranteed to get It anywhere. English cloth of a. rich uray pattern Is used Jfor the upholstery. There i3 a large hack seat, with room for three passengers, passen-gers, in front there Is a driver's seat and another across from it, with an aisle between them. There is only one entrance on each side, a large, plate-glass door of the usual closed car type. A fine Wilton rug covers the floor. The car Is electrically lighted throughout through-out and Its brilliantly lighted interior as viewed from the outside, which Is a sleek black, gives an Impression of luxurlous-ness luxurlous-ness that would be difficult to surpass. A stripped chassis of the Studebaker Six glvftf the visitor at the booth an opportunity opportu-nity to exflhilne the mechanical features which ar(J hidden underneath the Sedan. |