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Show F. J. KIESEL RETIRES. One of Ogden'e Foremost Business Men Transfers His Activities. Special to The TYIbune. OGDEN", Feb. IS. In the consummation consumma-tion of a deal which has been pending since the John Scowcroft & Sons company com-pany purchased the wholesale grocery interests in-terests of the Fred J. Klesei .compuny. Mr. Kiosel has completed Ills retirement from active business life by disposing of his other mercantile interests to C. S. Murphy, C. D. Hardy and others. The purchasers are now organizing a company to bo known as the Murphy-Hardy Drug & Manufacturing company. Mr. Murphy has been with the Klesei company for the past eleven years and Mr. Hardy has been in cliarge of the Klesei company's drug department for the past two years. The new company, which will be capitalized for S100.000. will continue the wholesale and manufacturing business carried on by the Kiesel company. |