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Show COMMITTEE VISITS TI Hi CAMPS Strike Leaders and Mine Managers Man-agers Go Along and Display Dis-play Good Humor. MUCH, BANTER ON TRIP Supreme Court of Colorado Denies "Mother" Jones Writ of Habeas Corpus. TJUNIDAD. Colo., Feb. IS. John R. T.avson and John McLennan, strike leaders; lead-ers; Er H. Weltzol, general fuel manager of the Colorado Fuel &. Iron company; Colonel George Lee of the National guard, and tho congressional c'ominlttoo which is investigating the coal strike, luncheoncd together today In the boarding board-ing house at the Victor-American Fuel company's nonunion mine at Hastings, with W. J. Murray, general manager of tho Victor-American, as master of ceremonies. cere-monies. An ftour before, Lawson and McLonnan had acted as hosts at the strikers' Ludlow Lud-low tent colony and had piloted the representatives rep-resentatives and the mine company officials of-ficials through the scenes of clashes between be-tween strikers and mine guards Throughout the day the labor leaders and the mine officials kept up a running i fire of bantering, which culminated when Woitzcl, at the Delagua mine, insisted on taking Lawson and McLennan over to the scales, to prove to thorn that "you fellows fel-lows are mistaken, and our weighing Is on tho souare." Scene of One Battle. At the iron bridge near Ludlow, famous fa-mous as tho "fort" behind which union men battled with guards. Lawson chaffod Wcltzcl because the company had "just finished this bridge when the strike began, be-gan, and left It liere as a fortification for us." With the committee on the tour besides the labor leaders and mine officials were Joseph S. Meyers, investigator for tho federal department of labor, and Charles J. Stowell of the federal commission on Industrial relations. At the Ludlow tent colony the congressmen con-gressmen were, surrounded by a. throng of strikers. Such of them as could be communicated com-municated with there arc twonty-five languages and dlnlects spoken In the camp replied readily to questions Leaving Hastings after luncheon the party drove up the canyon to jDelagua, also a. Victor-American property. Hero the committeo sought out Mary Ludvlk, one of the two women alleged to have been kidnaped by wives of strikers and held captive in the tent colony early in the strike. Mrs. Ludvlk reiterated the story contained in her affidavit furnished to Governor 15. M. Ammons. The committee visited tlie Colorado Fuel & Iron company's properties at Ber-wlnd Ber-wlnd and Tabasco before returning to Trinidad. Writ Is Denied. DENVER, Feb. IS. The state supreme court today denied the petition for writ of habeas "corpus filed by ".Mother". Mary Jones, a military prisoner in the southern Colorado coal fields. Two of the seven Justices dissented. The court made tho following statement: state-ment: "In the matter of the application of Mary Jones for leave to file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus, five of the judges are of the opinion that the application appli-cation for leave to file tlie petition should be denied and it Is so ordered." Chief Justice Musser and Mr. Justice Scott were of tho opinion that tho petition peti-tion should bo filed and the writ of habeas corpus should Issue. |